... | @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ These placeholders will return whatever attribute of the caster that is called. |
... | @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ These placeholders will return whatever attribute of the caster that is called. |
| <caster.l.yaw> | Returns the yaw of the caster |
| <caster.l.yaw> | Returns the yaw of the caster |
| <caster.l.pitch> | Returns the pitch of the caster |
| <caster.l.pitch> | Returns the pitch of the caster |
| <caster.stance> | Returns the current stance of the caster |
| <caster.stance> | Returns the current stance of the caster |
| <caster.stat.STAT_NAME> | Returns the value of the specified stat on the caster |
| <caster.heldenchantlevel.#> | Returns the enchant level of specified # enchant |
| <caster.heldenchantlevel.#> | Returns the enchant level of specified # enchant |
| <caster.skill.\[skill_name\].cooldown> | Returns the current cooldown of the give skill as a float number |
| <caster.skill.\[skill_name\].cooldown> | Returns the current cooldown of the give skill as a float number |
| <caster.raytrace> | Returns the name of the block being looked at by the caster (4.5 blocks of range) |
| <caster.raytrace> | Returns the name of the block being looked at by the caster (4.5 blocks of range) |
... | @@ -105,26 +106,27 @@ These placeholders will return whatever attribute of the caster that is called. |
... | @@ -105,26 +106,27 @@ These placeholders will return whatever attribute of the caster that is called. |
## Variable Placeholders
## Variable Placeholders
These placeholders will return whatever variable has been called. For instance <caster.var.\[name\]> will return the value of the caster's \[name\] variable.
These placeholders will return whatever variable has been called. For instance <caster.var.\[name\]> will return the value of the caster's \[name\] variable.
Some of these variables are only generated and available under some special circumstances, such as some specific trigger/attribute/metamechanic being used previously in the skilltree.
| **Variable Placeholder** | **Function** |
| Variable Placeholder | Generated by | Function |
| <caster.var.\[name\]> | Returns the value of the variable \[name\] on the caster. |
| <caster.stat.STAT_NAME> | Returns the value of the specified stat on the caster. |
| <\[scope\].var.\[name\]> | | Returns the value of the variable \[name\] on the selected [scope](Skills/Variables#variable-scopes) |
| <skill.var.\[name\]> | Returns the value of the variable \[name\] on the current skill tree. |
| <skill.var.\[name\]> | | Returns the value of the variable \[name\] on the current skill tree |
| <skill.var.damage-amount> | Returns the amount of damage taken in the onDamaged trigger |
| <skill.var.damage-amount> | [~onDamaged] trigger <br> [onDamaged] mechanic | Returns the amount of damage taken |
| <skill.var.damage-type> | Returns the type of damage taken as specified in a mechanic, aura, etc. |
| <skill.var.damage-type> | [~onDamaged] trigger <br> [onDamaged] mechanic | Returns the type of damage taken |
| <skill.var.aura-name> | Returns the name of the aura as specified in an aura. |
| <skill.var.aura-name> | Every [aura] mechanic | Returns the name of the aura |
| <skill.var.aura-type> | Returns the type of the aura as specified in an aura. |
| <skill.var.aura-type> | Every [aura] mechanic | Returns the type of the aura |
| <skill.var.aura-charges> | Returns the amount of charges the aura has left. |
| <skill.var.aura-charges> | Every [aura] mechanic | Returns the amount of charges the aura has left |
| <skill.var.aura-duration> | Returns the duration of the aura. |
| <skill.var.aura-duration> | Every [aura] mechanic | Returns the remaining duration of the aura |
| <skill.var.aura-duration-millis> | Returns the duration of the aura, in milliseconds. |
| <skill.var.aura-duration-millis> | Every [aura] mechanic | Returns the remaining duration of the aura, in milliseconds |
| <skill.var.aura-stacks> | Returns the amount of stacks the aura has. |
| <skill.var.aura-stacks> | Every [aura] mechanic | Returns the amount of stacks the aura has left |
| <skill.var.input> | Returns the chat input of the holder of a onChat aura. |
| <skill.var.input> | [onChat] mechanic | Returns the chat input |
| <skill.targets> | Returns the amount of inherited targets |
| <skill.targets> | | Returns the amount of inherited targets |
| <skill.var.interval> | Returns the interval value in mechanics using `repeat` & `repeatInterval` attributes |
| <skill.var.interval> | Using the `repeat` and `repeatInterval` [universal attributes] | Returns the value of the interval |
| <skill.var.itr> | Returns the current iteration in mechanics using `repeat` & `repeatInterval` attributes |
| <skill.var.itr> | Using the `repeat` and `repeatInterval` [universal attributes] | Returns the current iteration |
| <skill.var.volume> | Returns the volume of the generated sound, if the mechanic was triggered by a [~onHear](Skills/Triggers#onhear) trigger |
| <skill.var.volume> | [~onHear] trigger | Returns a float value between 1 and 15 representing the intensity of the sound |
| <skill.var.sound-type> | [~onHear] trigger | Returns the type of the sound |
## Target Placeholders
## Target Placeholders
These placeholders will return whatever target selector has been used. For instance <target.name> + @NearestPlayer will return the name of the player closest to the casting mob. The following are only some of the placeholders that can have a `target` scope, and in general any placeholder that is also present in the [Caster Placeholder](#caster-placeholders) section will also work.
These placeholders will return whatever target selector has been used. For instance <target.name> + @NearestPlayer will return the name of the player closest to the casting mob. The following are only some of the placeholders that can have a `target` scope, and in general any placeholder that is also present in the [Caster Placeholder](#caster-placeholders) section will also work.
... | @@ -259,12 +261,10 @@ TestRandomPlaceholder: |
... | @@ -259,12 +261,10 @@ TestRandomPlaceholder: |
- blue
- blue
# Examples
**This will make a mob send a teal message to all players in a radius of 20 blocks around in itself, stating what entity killed it in green.**
**This will make a mob send a teal message to all players in a radius of 20 blocks around in itself, stating what entity killed it in green.**
- message{m="<&b><caster.name><&r> was slain by <&a><trigger.name><&r>."} @PIR{r=20} ~onDeath
- message{m="<&b><caster.name><&r> was slain by <&a><trigger.name><&r>."} @PIR{r=20} ~onDeath
... | @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Examples |
... | @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Examples |
- Skill{s=SaveBossLocation} @self ~onSpawn
- Skill{s=SaveBossLocation} @self ~onSpawn
- message{m="&eA &BGiant Zombie&e (Level &4<caster.level>&e) &ehas spawned at <caster.var.SpawnLoc>"} ~onSpawn @PlayersInWorld
- message{m="&eA &BGiant Zombie&e (Level &4<caster.level>&e) &ehas spawned at <caster.var.SpawnLoc>"} ~onSpawn @PlayersInWorld
... | @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Examples |
... | @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Examples |
Be sure to place this skill somewhere in the skills file
Be sure to place this skill somewhere in the skills file
- setvariable{var=SpawnLoc;type=STRING;value="&b<caster.l.x>&e, &b<caster.l.y>&e, &b<caster.l.z>";scope=CASTER} @self
- setvariable{var=SpawnLoc;type=STRING;value="&b<caster.l.x>&e, &b<caster.l.y>&e, &b<caster.l.z>";scope=CASTER} @self
... | @@ -291,7 +291,16 @@ SaveBossLocation: |
... | @@ -291,7 +291,16 @@ SaveBossLocation: |
Display: 'ZOMBIE &F- &A<caster.hp>/<caster.mhp>HP &F- &ELv.<caster.level>'
Display: 'ZOMBIE &F- &A<caster.hp>/<caster.mhp>HP &F- &ELv.<caster.level>'
``` |
\ No newline at end of file |
<!-- LINKS -->
[~onHear]: Skills/Triggers#onhear
[~onDamaged]: Skills/Triggers#ondamaged
[onChat]: skills/mechanics/onChat
[aura]: skills/mechanics/aura
[onDamaged]: skills/mechanics/onDamaged
[universal attributes]: Skills/Mechanics#universal-attributes |
\ No newline at end of file |