... | ... | @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ This zombie would attack players, and walk around randomly when not targeting an |
| closedoors | restrictopendoor | Not sure what this one does |
| randomlookaround | lookaround | The mob will randomly look around |
| [gotospawnlocation](/Mobs/ai/goals/gotospawn) | gotospawn | Mob will pathfind to the its spawn location |
| [fleeConditional](/Mobs/ai/goals/fleeconditional)<br>**[Premium-only]** | fleeIf | Causes the mob to flee based on provided conditions. Safe speed is required for distanes greater than 5. |
| doNothing<br>**[Premium-only]** | | Causes the mob to do nothing if conditions are met. |
**Creatures Only**
... | ... | @@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ This zombie would attack players, and walk around randomly when not targeting an |
| [fleewolf](/Mobs/ai/goals/fleewolf) | runfromwolves | Causes the mob to avoid wolves |
| [fleefaction](/Mobs/ai/goals/fleefaction) | runfromfaction | Causes the mob to avoid entities in a given faction
| [fleesun](/Mobs/ai/goals/fleesun) | | The mob will hide in the shade when the sun it out |
| [fleeConditional](/Mobs/ai/goals/fleeconditional)<br>**[Premium-only]** | fleeIf | Causes the mob to flee based on provided conditions. Safe speed is required for distanes greater than 5. |
| spiderattack | | Uses the attack a spider would (doesn't seem any different from a meleeattack) |
| [leapattarget](/Mobs/ai/goals/leapattarget) | | Makes the mob leap at its target |
| moveindoors | | |
... | ... | @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ This zombie would attack players, and walk around randomly when not targeting an |
| [movetolava](/Mobs/ai/goals/movetowater) | | Makes the mob move towards lava |
| [movetowater](/Mobs/ai/goals/movetolava) | | Makes the mob move towards water |
| movetowardsrestriction | | |
| [MoveTowardsConditional](/Mobs/ai/goals/movetowardsconditional)<br>**[Premium-only]** | | Causes the mob to move towards a target based on provided conditions. |
| patrol x1,y1,z1;x2,y2,z2;x3,y3,z3;… | patrolroute | Makes the mob patrol between the specified locations |
| gotolocation x,y,z | goto | Makes the mob go to the specified location(Notice Followrange must more than the distance between location and mob) |
| gotoowner # | | Makes the mob move towards its owner when beyond a certain distance (defaults to 5 blocks,Notice Followrange must more than the distance between location and mob) |
... | ... | |