... | @@ -7,94 +7,147 @@ example_item: |
... | @@ -7,94 +7,147 @@ example_item: |
SomeOption: value
SomeOption: value
Universal Options
# Universal Options
These options are applicable to all items:
These options are applicable to all items:
**Repairable: \[true/false\]**
#### Repairable
Sets the repair cost of the item to maximum, making it completely uneditable in anvils and/or enchantment tables.
- Sets the repair cost of the item to maximum, making it completely uneditable in anvils and/or enchantment tables.
Will override the RepairCost option.
- Will override the RepairCost option.
Defaults to `false`.
- Defaults to false.
Repairable: false
**RepairCost: \[number\]**
#### RepairCost
Sets the repair cost of the item.
If set to less than 0, the vanilla one will be used.
Defaults to `-1`.
RepairCost: 10
- Sets the repair cost of the item.
#### Unbreakable
Sets the unbreakable tag on the item.
Items with this set to true will not lose durability.
Defaults to `false`.
Unbreakable: true
**Unbreakable: \[true/false\]**
#### HideFlags
Hides all the item flags, making things like enchants not visible in the item's lore (please note however that the item will still have an enchanted glow).
Defaults to `false`.
HideFlags: true
- Sets the unbreakable tag on the item.
#### PreventStacking
- Items with this set to true will not lose durability.
Prevents the item from stacking to similar items.
Defaults to `false`.
PreventStacking: true
**HideFlags: \[true/false\]**
#### Model
Sets the custom model data ID for the item.
Defaults to `0`.
Model: true
- Hides all the item flags, making things like enchants not visible in the item's lore (please note however that the item will still have an enchanted glow).
**PreventStacking: \[true/false\]**
# Playerheads
Only applicable to playerhead type items
- Prevents the item from stacking to similar items.
#### Player
Sets the texture of the player head.
The value must be the IGN of the target player.
Player heads must use data value 3 for this to work.
Player: Herobrine
**Model: \[number\]**
#### SkinTexture
Also sets the texture of the player head, but instead uses a SkinURL.
> - Type into browser: https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/trimmeduuidofplayerhere.
> - Use http://mcuuid.net/ to find the trimmed uuid of the player.
- Sets the custom model data ID for the item
Player heads must use data value 3 for this to work.
This option also supports hashes.
SkinTexture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODdlMGFhOTQzM2RiYTliNzU5MzJhMTFkYzk0ZDQwNmJkZTE5ZTg2MzUxNDIxNDkyYjNlZDM3OGM4ZTFhN2NjIn19fQ==
Only applicable to playerhead type items:
# Dyeable Items
**Player: \[name\]**
#### Color
Dyes the armor piece to a color according to RGB settings. 0-255.
Alternately can use a predefined color. Found [here](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/DyeColor.html).
Can pick colors using the Paint program on Windows. Open it up then choose "Edit Colors" to get your RGB value.
Only usable on leather armor type, banners, shields and such.
Color: RED
Color: 102,102,153
- Sets the texture of the player head.
- [name] must be the IGN of the target player.
- Player heads must use data value 3 for this to work.
- Examples:
- Player: Herobrine
**SkinTexture: \[url\]**
# Fireworks
Options for the FIREWORK and FIREWORK_CHARGE items
For Colors and FadeColors, you can specify what colors you want using the format **RED,GREEN,BLUE**
- Also sets the texture of the player head, but instead uses a SkinURL.
- Player heads must use data value 3 for this to work.
- Type into browser: https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/trimmeduuidofplayerhere
- Use http://mcuuid.net/ to find the trimmed uuid of the player
- This option also supports hashes.
For example:
SkinTexture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODdlMGFhOTQzM2RiYTliNzU5MzJhMTFkYzk0ZDQwNmJkZTE5ZTg2MzUxNDIxNDkyYjNlZDM3OGM4ZTFhN2NjIn19fQ==
- 255,0,255
- 0,0,0
- 200,0,0
Flicker: true
Trail: true
Dyeable Items
**Color: \[R,G,B\] OR \[DyeColor\]**
- Dyes the armor piece to a color according to Red, Green, Blue
# Books
settings. 0-255
Options for book items
- Alternately can use a predefined color. Found
- Can pick colors using the Paint program on Windows. Open it up then choose "Edit Colors" to get your RGB value
- Only usable on leather armor type and banners.
#### Title
The title of the book.
Defaults to `Unknown`.
Title: <green>How to make YouTube Videos
* Added options for FIREWORK and FIREWORK_CHARGE items
#### Author
* For Colors and FadeColors, you can specify what colors you want using the format **RED,GREEN,BLUE**
The author of the book.
Defaults to `Unknown`.
Author: CarsonJF
#### Pages
A list, with each entry being a page of the book.
- "Page 1"
- 255,0,255
- "Page 2\n\nwith some other lines"
- 0,0,0
- "Page 3"
- 200,0,0
Flicker: true
Trail: true
# Examples
Id: 301
Id: 301
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