Creates a particle effect at the targeted entity or location.
A list of particle types can be found here.
All of the spigot particle effects listed in the javadocs should be acceptable as well.
General Attributes
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
particle | p | The particle type to use. | reddust |
mob | m, t | The entity to spawn as the particle. Cannot be the original entity. Premium Only. | |
amount | count, a | The number of particles to create | 10 |
spread | offset | The vertical spread of the particles | 0 |
hSpread | hs | The horizontal spread of the particles | 0 |
vSpread | vs, yspread, ys | The spread of the particles on the y axis. Overwrites spread
spread |
xSpread | xs | The spread of the particles on the x axis. Overwrites hSpread on that axis |
hSpread |
zSpread | zs | The spread of the particles on the z axis. Overwrites hSpread on that axis |
hSpread |
speed | s | The “speed” of the particles. If a particle has a DataType, this attribute will behave inconsistently. | 0 |
yOffset | y | The Y offset of the particles from the target | 0 |
viewDistance | vd | The distance the particles are rendered | 128 |
fromorigin | fo | Should the particles be generated from the origin of the mechanic | false |
directional | d | Does the particle use directional travel | false |
directionReversed | dr | Reverses the direction of the particles. | false |
direction | dir | Specifies a vector for the particles to move towards. | 0,0,0 (x,y,z) |
fixedyaw | yaw | Sets the yaw of the effect | -1111 |
fixedpitch | pitch | Sets the pitch of the effect | -1111 |
Extra Attributes
Depending on the specific particle type used, extra attributes will become available to use inside particle-related mechanics too. you can find more by accessing the specific particle's page from the particle types wiki page
Mob-Type Particles [Premium Only]
This particle type will replace the spawned particle with the selected entity. The entity will act as a normal one, being able to attack, be hit, activate skills and so on. The entity will have no parent/owner relationship with the caster.
Entity-Only Attributes
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
useEyeLocation | uel | (true/false) Whether to base the particles on the entity's eyes | false |
forwardOffset | startfoffset, sfo | The forward-offset from the targeted entity,doesn'n work when set directional to true | 0 |
sideOffset | soffset, sso | The side-offset from the targeted entity,doesn'n work when set directional to true | 0 |
- effect:particles{particle=flame;amount=200;hS=1;vS=1;speed=5} @self
- ...
- effect:particles{particle=block;m=dirt;amount=100;hS=1;vS=1} @self
- ...
- particles{particle=flame;a=10;hs=0.3;vs=0.3;y=0.3;s=0.1125} @self
- ...
- effect:particle
- particles
- particle
- e:particles
- e:particle
- e:p