... | @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ A list of particle types can be found **[here](/Skills/Mechanics/Particle/Partic |
... | @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ A list of particle types can be found **[here](/Skills/Mechanics/Particle/Partic |
| mob | m, t | The entity to spawn as the particle. Cannot be the original entity. **Premium Only**. | |
| mob | m, t | The entity to spawn as the particle. Cannot be the original entity. **Premium Only**. | |
| amount | count, a | The number of particles to create | 10 |
| amount | count, a | The number of particles to create | 10 |
| spread | offset | The vertical spread of the particles | 0 |
| spread | offset | The vertical spread of the particles | 0 |
| hSpread | hs | The horizontal spread of the particles | 0 |
| hSpread | hs | The horizontal spread of the particles | `spread`|
| vSpread | vs, yspread, ys| The spread of the particles on the y axis. Overwrites `spread` | spread |
| vSpread | vs, yspread, ys| The spread of the particles on the y axis. Overwrites `spread` | `spread`|
| xSpread | xs | The spread of the particles on the x axis. Overwrites `hSpread` on that axis | hSpread |
| xSpread | xs | The spread of the particles on the x axis. Overwrites `hSpread` on that axis | hSpread |
| zSpread | zs | The spread of the particles on the z axis. Overwrites `hSpread` on that axis | hSpread |
| zSpread | zs | The spread of the particles on the z axis. Overwrites `hSpread` on that axis | hSpread |
| speed | s | The “speed” of the particles. If a particle has a [DataType](/Skills/Mechanics/Particle/Particle-Types#datatypes), this attribute will behave inconsistently. | 0 |
| speed | s | The “speed” of the particles. If a particle has a [DataType](/Skills/Mechanics/Particle/Particle-Types#datatypes), this attribute will behave inconsistently. | 0 |
... | | ... | |