## Hostile Mobs
### Demon
The Demon is hostile to players, those who attack it, and any MythicMob within the "good" faction. It is also equipped with a Netherite Axe, has flame particles, and can hover and shoot fireballs (due to it using the blaze as the base mob!) It uses a custom skin that requires [Disguises](https://git.lumine.io/mythiccraft/MythicMobs/-/wikis/Mobs/Disguises).
Difficulty: `⭐⭐⭐` (Medium)
<summary>Step-by-step Tutorial</summary>
### Tutorial
Let's add some basic options to the mob:
Type: blaze # Mob Type
Display: 'Demon' # Mob Display name
Damage: 6 # The amount of Damage it deals
Health: 60 # The amount of Health it has
Faction: bad # Set the Demon's faction as "bad".
Disguise: Player 164_ setCustomName Demon setCustomNameVisible false # Disguise it as a player with a skin. Requires LibsDisguises.
Then, let's give it some custom AI to prevent it from attacking unwanted entities:
# ...
- clear # Clears the mob's base AI
- meleeattack # Uses melee attacks
- randomstroll # Randomly walks
- float # floats on water
- clear # Clears the mob's base AI
- players # Firstly targets players
- attacker # Targets whatever attacks it
- specificfaction good # Targets mobs from the faction "good"
Let's give the mob an axe:
# ...
- NETHERITE_AXE HAND # Makes the mob hold a netherite axe in its hand
Now, we further customize the mob a bit:
1. Let's make the mob not always show its name.
2. Then, let's prevent vanilla blaze drops from dropping when the mob dies.
3. Furthermore, let's prevent mobs the blaze kills from dropping their loot.
4. Let's set the mob's movement speed to `0.35`.
5. Let's make the mob have sounds.
What we end up with is this:
# ...
AlwaysShowName: false # Don't always show name unless hovered
PreventOtherDrops: true # Don't drop default blaze drops on death
PreventMobKillDrops: true # Prevent mobs that the demon kills from dropping loot
MovementSpeed: 0.35 # Sets movement speed
Silent: false # Play the default blaze sound effects
Finally, let's make the mob more interesting by adding some abilities to it.
# ...
- effect:flames @self ~onTimer:100 # Every 100 ticks (5 seconds), show a spawner flame effect on mob's location.
- effect:sound{s=entity.elder_guardian.ambient;v=1;p=2} @self 0.5 ~onTimer:150 # Every 150 ticks (7.5 seconds), 50% chance to play the entity.elder_guardian.ambient sound with volume 1 and pitch 2
- effect:sound{s=entity.elder_guardian.hurt;v=1;p=0.7} @self ~onDamaged # When the mob gets damaged, play the entity.elder_guardian.hurt sound with volume 1 and pitch 0.7
- effect:sound{s=entity.elder_guardian.death;v=1;p=0.7} @self ~onDeath # When the mob dies, play the entity.elder_guardian.death sound with volume 1 and pitch 0.7
- effect:sound{s=entity.blaze.death;v=0.3;p=0.7} @self ~onDeath # When the mob dies, also play the entity.blaze.death sound with volume 0.3 and pitch 0.7
These skills essentially add custom sounds and effects to the mob, which really brings it to life.
<summary>End Product</summary>
Type: blaze # Mob Type
Display: 'Demon' # Mob Display name
Damage: 6 # The amount of Damage it deals
Health: 60 # The amount of Health it has
Faction: bad # Set the Demon's faction as "bad".
Disguise: Player 164_ setCustomName Demon setCustomNameVisible false # Disguise it as a player with a skin. Requires LibsDisguises.
- clear # Clears the mob's base AI
- meleeattack # Uses melee attacks
- randomstroll # Randomly walks
- float # Randomly floats
- clear # Clears the mob's base AI
- players # Firstly targets players
- attacker # Targets whatever attacks it
- specificfaction good # Targets mobs from the faction "good"
- NETHERITE_AXE HAND # Makes the mob hold a netherite axe in its hand
AlwaysShowName: false
PreventOtherDrops: true
PreventMobKillDrops: true
MovementSpeed: 0.35
Silent: false
- effect:flames @self ~onTimer:100 # Every 100 ticks (5 seconds), show a spawner flame effect on mob's location.
- effect:sound{s=entity.elder_guardian.ambient;v=1;p=2} @self 0.5 ~onTimer:150 # Ever 150 ticks (7.5 seconds), 50% chance to play the entity.elder_guardian.ambient sound with volume 1 and pitch 2
- effect:sound{s=entity.elder_guardian.hurt;v=1;p=0.7} @self ~onDamaged # When the mob gets damaged, play the entity.elder_guardian.hurt sound with volume 1 and pitch 0.7
- effect:sound{s=entity.elder_guardian.death;v=1;p=0.7} @self ~onDeath # When the mob dies, play the entity.elder_guardian.death sound with volume 1 and pitch 0.7
- effect:sound{s=entity.blaze.death;v=0.3;p=0.7} @self ~onDeath # When the mob dies, also play the entity.blaze.death sound with volume 0.3 and pitch 0.7
### The Sentinel
A fast and dangerous miniboss that makes horrific sounds, has particles, wears a command block for a head, and uses a Netherite Sword to defeat anything in its way.
Type: wither_skeleton # Base mob wither skeleton. Keep note that this means that when the mob attacks other entities, they will receive the WITHER effect.
Display: 'Sentinel' # The name of the mob.
Damage: 10 # Deals 10 damage on hit
Health: 120 # Has 120 HP.
Faction: bad # Sets the mob to be in the faction 'bad'
AIGoalSelectors: # What's the mob going to do?
- clear # Clears the mob's AI
- meleeattack # Melee-attacks its targets
- lookatplayers # Looks at players.
- randomstroll # Randomly walks around when off-combat.
- clear # Clears the mob's AI
- players # Targets players
- attacker # Then targets whatever attacks it
- otherfaction # Targets whatever is not in the 'bad' faction
Options: # Additional mob options
PreventSunburn: true # Prevents the mob from burning in daylight
AlwaysShowName: false # Prevents the mob from showing its name all the time. (Players will have to look at the mob to show the name)
PreventOtherDrops: true # Prevents vanilla wither skeleton drops.
PreventMobKillDrops: true # Prevents mobs that the Sentinel kills from dropping loot.
MovementSpeed: 0.45 # Fast movement speed.
Silent: true # Disables its default sounds. Useful if you are going to use custom sounds.
Equipment: # Things that the mob will wear.
- COMMAND_BLOCK HEAD # Wears a Command Block on its head.
- NETHERITE_SWORD HAND # Holds a Netherite Sword in its hand
- effect:sound{s=entity.enderman.scream;v=1;p=0.2} @self ~onDeath
- effect:sound{s=entity.enderman.hurt;v=1;p=0.2} @self ~onDamaged
- effect:sound{s=entity.enderman.stare;v=.2;p=0.2} @self ~onTimer:150 0.5
- effect:particles{particle=spell;amount=50;hS=1;vS=1;speed=5} @self ~onTimer:2 0.8
- throw{velocity=8;velocityY=4} @EIR{r=4} ~onDamaged 0.2 # When damaged, the mob has a 20% chance to launch nearby players in a radius of 4.
## Neutral Mobs
### The Adventurer
A simple mob that protects the land, attacking hostile mobs with an Iron Sword, speaks randomly, defends himself against attackers, and celebrates his victories. It uses a custom skin that requires [Disguises](https://git.lumine.io/mythiccraft/MythicMobs/-/wikis/Mobs/Disguises).
Type: zombie
Display: 'Adventurer'
Damage: 6
Health: 65
Faction: good
Disguise: Player Refreshin setCustomName Adventurer setCustomNameVisible true
- clear
- meleeattack
- lookatplayers
- randomstroll
- float
- clear
- attacker
- otherfactionmonsters
PreventSunburn: true
AlwaysShowName: false
PreventOtherDrops: true
PreventMobKillDrops: true
MovementSpeed: 0.26
Silent: true
- effect:sound{s=entity.villager.ambient;v=.6;p=0.7} @self ~onTimer:60 0.6
- effect:sound{s=entity.villager.yes;v=.6;p=0.7} @self ~onKill
- effect:sound{s=entity.villager.hurt;v=.6;p=0.7} @self ~onDamaged
## Passive Mobs
### The Civilian
Civilians are docile NPC mobs that don't like to fight. They will run from combat and talk to players when they right-click them. They will also pick up professions like a normal villager. It uses a custom skin that requires [Disguises](https://git.lumine.io/mythiccraft/MythicMobs/-/wikis/Mobs/Disguises). It also uses AIGoalSelectors that require [Mythicmobs Premium](https://git.lumine.io/mythiccraft/MythicMobs/-/wikis/Premium-Features).
Display: 'Civilian'
Damage: 6
Health: 20
Faction: good
Disguise: Player Refreshin setCustomName Civilian setCustomNameVisible true
- fleeConditional{distance=15;speed=1;safespeed=1;conditions=[ - incombat true ]}
- clear
- attacker
PreventItemPickup: false
AlwaysShowName: false
Despawn: true
PreventOtherDrops: true
PreventMobKillDrops: true
MovementSpeed: 0.35
Silent: true
- effect:sound{s=entity.villager.yes;v=.6;p=0.8} @self ~onInteract
- effect:sound{s=entity.villager.hurt;v=.6;p=0.8} @self ~onDamaged
- effect:sound{s=entity.villager.death;v=.6;p=0.8} @self ~onDeath
- BREAD 1-3 0.4
- CARROT 1-3 0.4
- BEETROOT 1-3 0.4
- POTATO 1-3 0.4
- EMERALD 1-2 0.1
- GOLD_NUGGET 1-6 0.2
- DIAMOND 1 0.01
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