Bug Fixes/Other
- Fixed several critical issues with spawners
- 1.17.1 Support
- Removed 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15 support
- Added inline false conditions using ?!
- Added inline trigger conditions using ?~
- Added inline false trigger conditions using ?~!
- Bunch of new mechanics and conditions
- A million bug fixes
- Added 1.17.1 Support
- Added GOAT
- Added MARKER
Changed Despawn option, now accepts TRUE, FALSE, CHUNK, or PERSISTENT.
- CHUNK will despawn mobs when they enter an unloaded chunk, but not when
players aren't nearby.
- PERSISTENT mobs will not despawn ever and will not be killed by `/mm m killall`
### NEW: disguiseAsBlock
### NEW: Freeze
Freezes the target for [duration] number of ticks, like when players are stuck in powdered snow.
### NEW: giveItemFromSlot
### NEW: onBlockBreak
- Aura mechanic that triggers when the entity breaks a block
### NEW: hideFromPlayers
- Hides the caster, if the caster is a player, from other players for a set duration.
### NEW: trackLocation
- Sets the caster's "tracked location", which can be referenced with the @TrackedLocation targeter or the distanceFromTrackedLocation condition
### Particles
Fixed some inconsistencies with particles when specifying direction:
- If direction is explicitly set, particles will now spawn at the target
location normally
- If direction is not explicitly set, particles will continue spawning
at the origin and move towards the target as before
### SudoSkill
- Added target override option to sudoSkill mechanic
### New Particles
- drippingDripstoneLava, drippingDripstoneWater, dustColorTransition,
electricSpark, fallingDripstoneLava, fallingDripstoneWater, Glow,
glowingInk, Light, reversePortal, Scrape, snowflake, SmallFlame, vibration, waxOff,
### General
- Added length mutator to location targeters
- Added origin=true option to @BlocksInRadius targeter
### NEW: @BlocksInChunk
### NEW: @BlocksNearOrigin
### NEW: @ForwardWall
### NEW: @ItemsInRadius
### NEW: @ItemsNearOrigin
### NEW: @NearestStructure
### NEW: @SelfEyeLocation
- has alias of EyeDirection for MME compat
### NEW: @SpawnLocation
### NEW: @TargetedLocation
### NEW: @TargetedTarget
### NEW: @TrackedLocation
### NEW: @UniqueIdentifier
### Forward
- Added rotation
### TargetLocation
- Added ignoreTransparent
### Ring
- Supports placeholders
### PlayersInRadius
- Supports placeholders
### EntitiesInRadius
- Supports placeholders
Custom AI
### NEW: fleeFaction
### NEW: color
- color{c=RED}
### NEW: dimension
- dimension NETHER
### NEW: distanceFromTrackedLocation
### NEW: playersinRadius
- pir{amount=>5;r=10}
### NEW: hasitem
- hasitem{i=STICK;amount=2}
### NEW: isLeashed
### NEW: motionX, motionY, motionZ
### Biome
- Added exact=false option to biome condition
### BlockType
- Now supports mmoitems blocks
### Holding
- Now supports MythicMobs and MMOItems items. For MMOItems, use `mmoitems.TYPE.ID` for the material/item attribute.
### Wearing
- Now supports MMOItems. For MMOItems, use `mmoitems.Type.ID` for the material/item attribute.
### Added Pitch and Yaw options
- Added <target.entity_type>
- Added <target.block.type>
- Added <skill.targets>
- Added <target.l.yaw>
- Added <target.l.pitch>
- Added <trigger.l.yaw>
- Added <trigger.l.pitch>
- Added <target.level>
- Added <caster.damage>
- Updated to latest FAWE for fawePaste
### GriefPrevention
- Added inClaim, nearClaim conditions
Bug Fixes/Other
- Optimized a bunch of the entity targeters
- Fixed bugs with ConsumeHeldItem mechanic
- Fixed issues with look mechanic
- Fixed a lot of issues with the RandomSkill mechanic
- Fixed problems with Bees and Zombified Piglins w/ overrides
- Fixed extra spaces breaking inline skills in some cases
- Fixed shulkers with setColor mechanic
- Fixed doubles not working with setLevel mechanic
- Fixed NPE in Raytrace mechanic
- Fixed broken leftLeg and rightLeg aliases on animateArmorStand mechanic
- Fixed mmoitems drops in nested droptables not having the correct amount
- Fixed an NPE in commands
- Fixed some issues with location targeters
- Fixed an NPE in threat tables
- Fixed NPE with lost entities trying to unregister
- Fixed death messages not showing properly on PaperSpigot
- Fixed onShoot trigger for Ghasts
- Fixed weather mechanic not setting the weather to sunny/clear
- Fixed NPE with lost entities trying to unregister
- Fixed BonusLuckItem option in Droptables
- Fixed awkward issue with skeletons shooting a bow on some versions
- Fixed the fillChest mechanic
- Leather Horse Armor is now dyeable
- Fixed item Options.HideFlags not hiding all the flags
- Fixed an issue with TeleportIn mechanic attribute
- Fixed an issue with Threat mechanic
- Fixed bug with itemspray
- Fixed radiusY attribute for @BlocksInRadius
- Added placeholder support to velocity for Projectile mechanic
- Added placeholder support for Shield mechanic, Shoot mechanic, ShootShulker, mechanic
- Fixed an issue with Projectile mechanic when using these bullet types: ARROW, ITEM, and MYTHICITEM
- Fixed an issue with Summon mechanic not setting players as the parent
- Fixed an issue with HasInventorySpace condition
- Fixed a bug with nearestConditionalTarget ignoring players in 1.16.5
- Fixed an issue with ownerattacker and ownertarget not working as intended
- Fixed recursive mob loading issue
- RunAIGoal/TargetSelector will now parse premium AIs.
- Fixed an issue with NearestConditionalTarget ignoring players in 1.16.5
- Fixed blockwave and geyser leaving glitched blocks behind
- Fixed `ownerattacker` and `ownertarget` not working correctly in 1.16.5
- Fixed NPE in teleportto mechanic
- Fixed targeting issues with onAttack, onDamaged auras
- Fixed finite velocity error with projectiles
- Fixed Options.Interactable: false not working w/ ArmorStands closes
- Fixed NPE in summon mechanic
- Fixed particleOrbital reversed=true option not working
- Fixed several ChunkUnload errors closes
- Fixed some issues with non-paper spigot
- Fixed some targeting issues with auras |