Creates a beam of a material between the caster and the target
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
onhitskill | onhit, oh | The skill to execute when the beam hits an entity. Currently not supported | |
ontickskill | ontick, ot | The skill to execute each tick. The origin will be the starting location | |
duration | d | Duration of the beam in ticks | 20 |
tickinterval | interval, i | Tick interval of the beam | 1 |
material | m | Material of the beam | END_ROD |
rotationspeed | rs | Rotation speed of the beam in degrees per tick | 0 |
hitradius | radius, r | Hit Radius of the beam | 1.0 |
startyoffset | syo | The starting y offset of the beam from the caster's location | 0 |
endyoffset | eyo | The end y offset of the beam from the target's location | 0 |
- beam{d=100;rs=2;syo=100} @selflocation