... | ... | @@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ Conditions |
| [Altitude](/skills/conditions/altitude) | Entity | Tests how far above the ground the target entity is |
| [Biome](/skills/conditions/biome) | Location | Tests if the target is within the given list of biomes |
| [BiomeType](/skills/conditions/biometype) | Location | Tests for the biome category at a location.
| [BiomeType](/skills/conditions/biometype) | Location | Tests for the biome category at a location. |
| [BlockType](/skills/conditions/blocktype) | Location | Tests the material type present at the target location |
| [Blocking](/skills/conditions/blocking) | Entity | Tests if the targeted player is blocking with a shield |
| [BowTension](/skills/conditions/bowtension) | Meta | Checks the bow tension of when an entity shoots from a bow |
| [Burning](/skills/conditions/burning) | Entity | Whether or not the target entity is on fire |
| [Chance](skills/conditions/chance) | Meta | The chance that the metaskill has to be executed
| [Charged](/skills/conditions/charged) | Entity | Checks if the target creeper is charged
| [Chance](skills/conditions/chance) | Meta | The chance that the metaskill has to be executed |
| [Charged](/skills/conditions/charged) | Entity | Checks if the target creeper is charged |
| [Children](/skills/conditions/children) | Entity | Tests how many children the caster has |
| [Color](/skills/conditions/color) | Entity | Tests the entity's colors |
| [Crouching](/skills/conditions/crouching) | Entity | Whether or not the target entity is crouching |
... | ... | @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Conditions |
| [FoodSaturation](/skills/conditions/FoodSaturation) | Entity | Checks if the target has food within the range |
| [Gliding](/skills/conditions/gliding) | Entity | If the target is gliding |
| [GlobalScore](/skills/conditions/globalscore) | Entity | Checks a global scoreboard value |
| [HasAI](/skills/conditions/hasai) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has its AI enabled
| [HasAI](/skills/conditions/hasai) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has its AI enabled |
| [HasAura](/skills/conditions/hasaura) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has the given aura |
| [HasAuraStacks](/skills/conditions/hasaurastacks) | Entity | Tests if the target has the given range of stacks from an aura |
| [HasCurrency](/skills/conditions/hascurrency) | Entity | If the target has the given amount of vault currency |
... | ... | @@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ Conditions |
| [Inside](/skills/conditions/inside) | Location | Checks if the target has a block over their head |
| [isCaster](/skills/conditions/iscaster) | Entity | Checks if the target is the caster |
| [isChild](/skills/conditions/ischild) | Entity | Checks if the target is a child of the caster |
| [isClimbing](/skills/conditions/isClimbing) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is climbing
| [isFlying](/skills/conditions/isflying) | Entity | Checks if the target player is flying
| [isFrozen](/skills/conditions/isfrozen) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is frozen
| [isClimbing](/skills/conditions/isClimbing) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is climbing |
| [isFlying](/skills/conditions/isflying) | Entity | Checks if the target player is flying |
| [isFrozen](/skills/conditions/isfrozen) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is frozen |
| [isLiving](/skills/conditions/isliving) | Entity | Checks if the target is a living entity |
| [isLeashed](/skills/conditions/isleashed) | Entity | Checks if the target has been leashed |
| [isMonster](/skills/conditions/ismonster) | Entity | Checks if the target is a monster |
... | ... | @@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ Conditions |
| [Level](/skills/conditions/level) | Entity | Checks the target MythicMob's level |
| [LightLevel](/skills/conditions/lightlevel) | Location | Tests the light level at the target location |
| [LineOfSight](/skills/conditions/lineofsight) | Compare | Tests if the target is within line of sight of the caster |
| [LunarPhase](/skills/conditions/lunarphase) | Location | Checks the target world's lunar phase
| [MobSize](/skills/skills/conditions/mobsize) | Entity | Checks the size of the target entity
| [LunarPhase](/skills/conditions/lunarphase) | Location | Checks the target world's lunar phase |
| [MobSize](/skills/skills/conditions/mobsize) | Entity | Checks the size of the target entity |
| [MobsInRadius](/skills/conditions/mobsinradius) | Location | Checks how many mobs are in a given radius |
| [MobsInChunk](/skills/conditions/mobsinchunk) | Location | Matches a range to how many mobs are in the target location's chunk |
| [MobsInWorld](/skills/conditions/mobsinworld) | Location | Matches a range to how many mobs are in the target world |
... | ... | @@ -191,20 +191,20 @@ Conditions |
| [Pitch](/skills/conditions/pitch) | Entity | Checks if the pitch of the target entity is within a range |
| [PlayerKills](/skills/conditions/playerkills) | Entity | Matches how many players the target mob has killed |
| [PlayersInRadius](/skills/conditions/playersinradius) | Entity | Checks how many players are in a radius |
| [PlayersOnline](/skills/conditions/playersonline) | Meta | Matches the number of players online
| [PlayersInWorld](skills/conditions/playersinworld) | Meta | Matches the number of players in the caster's world
| [PlayersOnline](/skills/conditions/playersonline) | Meta | Matches the number of players online |
| [PlayersInWorld](skills/conditions/playersinworld) | Meta | Matches the number of players in the caster's world |
| [PlayerNotWithin](/skills/conditions/playernotwithin) | Location | Checks if any players are within a radius of the target |
| [PlayerWithin](/skills/conditions/playerwithin) | Location | Checks if any players are within a radius of the target |
| [Plugin](/skills/conditions/plugin) | Meta | Checks if the specified plugin is running on the server
| [Premium](/skills/conditions/premium) | Meta | Checks if MythicMobs Premium is running on the server
| [Plugin](/skills/conditions/plugin) | Meta | Checks if the specified plugin is running on the server |
| [Premium](/skills/conditions/premium) | Meta | Checks if MythicMobs Premium is running on the server |
| [Raining](/skills/conditions/raining) | Location | If it's raining in the target world |
| [Region](/skills/conditions/region) | Location | If the target is within the given WorldGuard region |
| [SameFaction](/skills/conditions/samefaction) | Entity | Tests if the caster and target are in the same faction |
| [Score](/skills/conditions/score) | Entity | Checks a scoreboard value of the target entity |
| [SkillOnCooldown](/skills/conditions/skilloncooldown) | Entity | Checks if the given skill is in cooldown for the target
| [SkillOnCooldown](/skills/conditions/skilloncooldown) | Entity | Checks if the given skill is in cooldown for the target |
| [Stance](/skills/conditions/stance) | Entity | Checks the stance of the target mob |
| [StringEquals](/skills/conditions/stringequals) | Meta | Checks if value1 equals value2. Both values can use variables and placeholders. |
| [Structure](/skills/conditions/structure) | Location | Matches if the target location is inside of a structure
| [Structure](/skills/conditions/structure) | Location | Matches if the target location is inside of a structure |
| [Sunny](/skills/conditions/sunny) | Location | If the weather is sunny in the target world. |
| [TargetInLineOfSight](/skills/conditions/targetinlineofsight) | Entity | Tests if the target has line of sight to their target |
| [TargetNotInLineOfSight](/skills/conditions/targetnotinlineofsight) | Entity | Tests if the target doesn't have line of sight to their target |
... | ... | |