... | @@ -128,13 +128,11 @@ Some meta-targeters also allow the mechanic to be casted "fromOrigin". This will |
... | @@ -128,13 +128,11 @@ Some meta-targeters also allow the mechanic to be casted "fromOrigin". This will |
| @LivingNearTargetLocation{radius=5} | @LNTL{r=#} | Targets all living entities near the inherited target. |
| @LivingNearTargetLocation{radius=5} | @LNTL{r=#} | Targets all living entities near the inherited target. |
| @PlayersNearTargetLocation{radius=5} | @LNTL{r=#} | Targets all players near the inherited target. |
| @PlayersNearTargetLocation{radius=5} | @LNTL{r=#} | Targets all players near the inherited target. |
| @RLNTE{a=#;r=#;s=#;minr=#} | - | Targets random locations around the inherited target, where: a is the amount of locations, r is the radius around the inherited target, minr is the minimum radius, and s is the spacing between each location. |
| @RLNTE{a=#;r=#;s=#;minr=#} | - | Targets random locations around the inherited target, where: a is the amount of locations, r is the radius around the inherited target, minr is the minimum radius, and s is the spacing between each location. |
| @RandomLocationsNearOrigin{a=#;r=#;s=#;minr=#} | @RLNO | Targets random locations near the origin of a skill. |
| @RandomLocationsNearOrigin{a=#;r=#;s=#;minr=#} | @RLNO | Targets random locations near the origin of a skill. |
| @FloorOfTargets | @FOT | Targets the blocks underneath the inherited targets. |
| @FloorOfTargets | @FOT | Targets the blocks underneath the inherited targets. |
| @LocationsOfTargets | @LOT | Targets the location of the inherited targets |
| @LocationsOfTargets | @LOT | Targets the location of the inherited targets |
| @BlocksInRadius{radius=#;radiusy=#;noise=#;shape=sphere/cube;onlyair=false;noair=true} | | Targets all blocks in a radius of the inherited targets. |
| @BlocksInRadius{radius=#;radiusy=#;noise=#;shape=sphere/cube;onlyair=false;noair=true} | | Targets all blocks in a radius of the inherited targets. |
| @TargetedBlock |
| @TargetedBlock | | Targets the block you are looking at |
| Targets the block you are looking at
| @BlocksInChunk{noair=true/false;onlyair=true/false;nearorigin=true/false} | Targets all blocks in a chunk relative to the inherited target. |
| @BlocksInChunk{noair=true/false;onlyair=true/false;nearorigin=true/false} | Targets all blocks in a chunk relative to the inherited target. |
| @BlocksNearOrigin{radius=#;radiusy=#;noise=#;shape=sphere/cube;onlyair=false;noair=true} | | Targets all blocks in a radius around the inherited target. |
| @BlocksNearOrigin{radius=#;radiusy=#;noise=#;shape=sphere/cube;onlyair=false;noair=true} | | Targets all blocks in a radius around the inherited target. |
... | | ... | |