... | ... | @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Conditions |
| [Inside](/skills/conditions/inside) | Location | Checks if the target has a block over their head |
| [isCaster](/skills/conditions/iscaster) | Entity | Checks if the target is the caster |
| [isChild](/skills/conditions/ischild) | Entity | Checks if the target is a child of the caster |
| [isClimbing](/skills/conditions/isClimbing) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is climbing
| [isClimbing](/skills/conditions/isClimbing) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is climbing
| [isFlying](/skills/conditions/isflying) | Entity | Checks if the target player is flying
| [isFrozen](/skills/conditions/isfrozen) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is frozen
| [isLiving](/skills/conditions/isliving) | Entity | Checks if the target is a living entity |
... | ... | @@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ Conditions |
| [PlayersInWorld](skills/conditions/playersinworld) | Meta | Matches the number of players in the caster's world
| [PlayerNotWithin](/skills/conditions/playernotwithin) | Location | Checks if any players are within a radius of the target |
| [PlayerWithin](/skills/conditions/playerwithin) | Location | Checks if any players are within a radius of the target |
| [Plugin](/skills/conditions/plugin) | Meta | Checks if the specified plugin is running on the server
| [Premium](/skills/conditions/premium) | Meta | Checks if MythicMobs Premium is running on the server
| [Raining](/skills/conditions/raining) | Location | If it's raining in the target world |
| [Region](/skills/conditions/region) | Location | If the target is within the given WorldGuard region |
| [SameFaction](/skills/conditions/samefaction) | Entity | Tests if the caster and target are in the same faction |
... | ... | |