... | @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Conditions |
... | @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Conditions |
| Condition | Type | Description |
| Condition | Type | Description |
| [Altitude](/skills/conditions/altitude) | Entity | Tests how far above the ground the target entity is |
| [Altitude](/skills/conditions/altitude) | Entity | Tests how far above the ground the target entity is |
| [Biome](/skills/conditions/biome) | Location | Tests if the target is within the given list of biomes |
| [Biome](/skills/conditions/biome) | Location | Tests if the target is within the given list of biomes |
| [BiomeType](/skills/conditions/biometype) | Location | Tests for the biome category at a location. |
| [BiomeType](/skills/conditions/biometype) | Location | Tests for the biome category at a location. |
... | @@ -217,6 +217,8 @@ Conditions |
... | @@ -217,6 +217,8 @@ Conditions |
| [Region](/skills/conditions/region) | Location | If the target is within the given WorldGuard region |
| [Region](/skills/conditions/region) | Location | If the target is within the given WorldGuard region |
| [SameFaction](/skills/conditions/samefaction) | Entity | Tests if the caster and target are in the same faction |
| [SameFaction](/skills/conditions/samefaction) | Entity | Tests if the caster and target are in the same faction |
| [Score](/skills/conditions/score) | Entity | Checks a scoreboard value of the target entity |
| [Score](/skills/conditions/score) | Entity | Checks a scoreboard value of the target entity |
| [ServerNmsVersion](/skills/conditions/servernmsversion) | Meta | Checks if the server is running the specified minecraft NMS version. |
| [ServerVersion](/skills/conditions/serverversion) | Meta | Checks if the server is running the specified minecraft version. |
| [SkillOnCooldown](/skills/conditions/skilloncooldown) | Entity | Checks if the given skill is in cooldown for the target |
| [SkillOnCooldown](/skills/conditions/skilloncooldown) | Entity | Checks if the given skill is in cooldown for the target |
| [Stance](/skills/conditions/stance) | Entity | Checks the stance of the target mob |
| [Stance](/skills/conditions/stance) | Entity | Checks the stance of the target mob |
| [StringEquals](/skills/conditions/stringequals) | Meta | Checks if value1 equals value2. Both values can use variables and placeholders. |
| [StringEquals](/skills/conditions/stringequals) | Meta | Checks if value1 equals value2. Both values can use variables and placeholders. |
... | | ... | |