... | ... | @@ -105,137 +105,139 @@ Conditions |
| Condition | Type | Description |
| [Altitude](/skills/conditions/altitude) | Entity | Tests how far above the ground the target entity is |
| [Biome](/skills/conditions/biome) | Location | Tests if the target is within the given list of biomes |
| [BiomeType](/skills/conditions/biometype) | Location | Tests for the biome category at a location. |
| [BlockType](/skills/conditions/blocktype) | Location | Tests the material type present at the target location |
| [Blocking](/skills/conditions/blocking) | Entity | Tests if the targeted player is blocking with a shield |
| [BowTension](/skills/conditions/bowtension) | Meta | Checks the bow tension of when an entity shoots from a bow |
| [Burning](/skills/conditions/burning) | Entity | Whether or not the target entity is on fire |
| [Chance](skills/conditions/chance) | Meta | The chance that the metaskill has to be executed |
| [Charged](/skills/conditions/charged) | Entity | Checks if the target creeper is charged |
| [Children](/skills/conditions/children) | Entity | Tests how many children the caster has |
| [Color](/skills/conditions/color) | Entity | Tests the entity's colors |
| [Crouching](/skills/conditions/crouching) | Entity | Whether or not the target entity is crouching |
| [Altitude](/skills/conditions/altitude) | Entity | Tests how far above the ground the target entity is |
| [Biome](/skills/conditions/biome) | Location | Tests if the target is within the given list of biomes |
| [BiomeType](/skills/conditions/biometype) | Location | Tests for the biome category at a location. |
| [BlockType](/skills/conditions/blocktype) | Location | Tests the material type present at the target location |
| [Blocking](/skills/conditions/blocking) | Entity | Tests if the targeted player is blocking with a shield |
| [BowTension](/skills/conditions/bowtension) | Meta | Checks the bow tension of when an entity shoots from a bow |
| [Burning](/skills/conditions/burning) | Entity | Whether or not the target entity is on fire |
| [Chance](skills/conditions/chance) | Meta | The chance that the metaskill has to be executed |
| [Charged](/skills/conditions/charged) | Entity | Checks if the target creeper is charged |
| [Children](/skills/conditions/children) | Entity | Tests how many children the caster has |
| [Color](/skills/conditions/color) | Entity | Tests the entity's colors |
| [Crouching](/skills/conditions/crouching) | Entity | Whether or not the target entity is crouching |
| [Cuboid](/skills/conditions/cuboid) | Compare | Whether the target is within the given cuboid between location1 x location2 |
| [DamageAmount](/skills/conditions/DamageAmount) | Entity | Checks for a range of damage taken |
| [DamageCause](/skills/conditions/DamageCause) | Entity | Checks the type of the damage cause |
| [DamageAmount](/skills/conditions/DamageAmount) | Entity | Checks for a range of damage taken |
| [DamageCause](/skills/conditions/DamageCause) | Entity | Checks the type of the damage cause |
| [Dawn](/skills/conditions/dawn) | Location | If the time is dawn, from 22000 to 2000 in-game time |
| [Day](/skills/conditions/day) | Location | If the time is day, from 2000 to 10000 in-game time |
| [Distance](/skills/conditions/distance) | Compare | Whether the distance between the caster and target is within the given range |
| [DistanceFromTrackedLocation](/skills/conditions/distancefromtrackedlocation) | Location | Whether the distance from the tracked location to the target is within the given range |
| [DistanceFromSpawn](/skills/conditions/distancefromspawn) | Location | Whether the distance from the world's spawn point to the target is within the given range |
| [Dusk](/skills/conditions/dusk) | Location | If the time is dusk, from 14000 to 18000 in-game time. |
| [EnchantingLevel](/skills/conditions/enchantingLevel) | Entity | Checks the entity experience level |
| [EnderDragonPhase](/skills/conditions/EnderDragonPhase) | Entity | Checks if the ender dragon is in a phase or phases |
| [EntityType](/skills/conditions/entitytype) | Entity | Tests the entity type of the target |
| [Faction](/skills/conditions/faction) | Entity | Tests for the targets faction |
| [EnchantingLevel](/skills/conditions/enchantingLevel) | Entity | Checks the entity experience level |
| [EnderDragonPhase](/skills/conditions/EnderDragonPhase) | Entity | Checks if the ender dragon is in a phase or phases |
| [EntityType](/skills/conditions/entitytype) | Entity | Tests the entity type of the target |
| [Faction](/skills/conditions/faction) | Entity | Tests for the targets faction |
| [FallSpeed](/skills/conditions/fallspeed) | Entity | If the fall speed of the target is within the given range |
| [FieldOfView](/skills/conditions/fieldofview) | Compare | Tests if the target is within the given angle from where the caster is looking |
| [FoodLevel](/skills/conditions/FoodLevel) | Entity | Checks if the target has food within the range |
| [FoodSaturation](/skills/conditions/FoodSaturation) | Entity | Checks if the target has food within the range |
| [Gliding](/skills/conditions/gliding) | Entity | If the target is gliding |
| [GlobalScore](/skills/conditions/globalscore) | Entity | Checks a global scoreboard value |
| [HasAI](/skills/conditions/hasai) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has its AI enabled |
| [HasAura](/skills/conditions/hasaura) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has the given aura |
| [HasAuraStacks](/skills/conditions/hasaurastacks) | Entity | Tests if the target has the given range of stacks from an aura |
| [HasCurrency](/skills/conditions/hascurrency) | Entity | If the target has the given amount of vault currency |
| [HasInventorySpace](/skills/conditions/hasinventoryspace) | Entity | If the target has the given amount of empty inventory space |
| [HasItem](/skills/conditions/hasItem) | Entity | Tests if the target player has the given number of given material |
| [HasOwner](/skills/conditions/hasowner) | Entity | Tests if the target mob has an owner |
| [HasParent](/skills/conditions/hasparent) | Entity | Tests if the target mob has a parent |
| [HasPassenger](/skills/conditions/hasPassenger) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has a passenger |
| [HasGravity](/skills/conditions/hasgravity) | Entity | Tests if the target mob has gravity |
| [HasPotionEffect](/skills/conditions/haspotioneffect) | Entity | Tests if the target entity has a potion effect |
| [HasTag](/skills/conditions/hastag) | Entity | Tests if the target has a scoreboard tag |
| [HasPermission](/skills/conditions/haspermission) | Entity | Tests if the target player has a permission |
| [FieldOfView](/skills/conditions/fieldofview) | Compare | Tests if the target is within the given angle from where the caster is looking |
| [FoodLevel](/skills/conditions/FoodLevel) | Entity | Checks if the target has food within the range |
| [FoodSaturation](/skills/conditions/FoodSaturation) | Entity | Checks if the target has food within the range |
| [Gliding](/skills/conditions/gliding) | Entity | If the target is gliding |
| [GlobalScore](/skills/conditions/globalscore) | Entity | Checks a global scoreboard value |
| [HasAI](/skills/conditions/hasai) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has its AI enabled |
| [HasAura](/skills/conditions/hasaura) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has the given aura |
| [HasAuraStacks](/skills/conditions/hasaurastacks) | Entity | Tests if the target has the given range of stacks from an aura |
| [HasCurrency](/skills/conditions/hascurrency) | Entity | If the target has the given amount of vault currency |
| [HasInventorySpace](/skills/conditions/hasinventoryspace) | Entity | If the target has the given amount of empty inventory space |
| [HasItem](/skills/conditions/hasItem) | Entity | Tests if the target player has the given number of given material |
| [HasOwner](/skills/conditions/hasowner) | Entity | Tests if the target mob has an owner |
| [HasParent](/skills/conditions/hasparent) | Entity | Tests if the target mob has a parent |
| [HasPassenger](/skills/conditions/hasPassenger) | Entity | Checks if the target entity has a passenger |
| [HasGravity](/skills/conditions/hasgravity) | Entity | Tests if the target mob has gravity |
| [HasPotionEffect](/skills/conditions/haspotioneffect) | Entity | Tests if the target entity has a potion effect |
| [HasTag](/skills/conditions/hastag) | Entity | Tests if the target has a scoreboard tag |
| [HasPermission](/skills/conditions/haspermission) | Entity | Tests if the target player has a permission |
| [Health](/skills/conditions/health) | Entity | Matches the target's health |
| [Height](/skills/conditions/height) | Location | Checks if the target's Y location is within a range |
| [HeightAbove](/skills/conditions/heightabove) | Location | Checks if the target's Y location is above a value |
| [HeightBelow](/skills/conditions/heightbelow) | Location | Checks if the target's Y location is below a given value |
| [Holding](/skills/conditions/holding) | Entity | Checks if the target is holding a given material(support MythicMobs and MMOItems) |
| [InBlock](/skills/conditions/inblock) | Location | Checks the material at the target location |
| [InCombat](/skills/conditions/incombat) | Entity | If the target mob is considered in combat |
| [Inside](/skills/conditions/inside) | Location | Checks if the target has a block over their head |
| [isBaby](/skills/conditions/isbaby) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is a baby |
| [isCaster](/skills/conditions/iscaster) | Entity | Checks if the target is the caster |
| [isChild](/skills/conditions/ischild) | Entity | Checks if the target is a child of the caster |
| [isClimbing](/skills/conditions/isClimbing) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is climbing |
| [isFlying](/skills/conditions/isflying) | Entity | Checks if the target player is flying |
| [isFrozen](/skills/conditions/isfrozen) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is frozen |
| [isLiving](/skills/conditions/isliving) | Entity | Checks if the target is a living entity |
| [isLeashed](/skills/conditions/isleashed) | Entity | Checks if the target has been leashed |
| [isMythicMob](/skills/conditions/ismythicmob) | Entity | Checks if the target is a MythicMob |
| [isMonster](/skills/conditions/ismonster) | Entity | Checks if the target is a monster |
| [isPlayer](/skills/conditions/isplayer) | Entity | Checks if the target is a player |
| [isSaddled](/skills/conditions/issaddled) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is saddled |
| [isSprinting](/skills/conditions/issprinting) | Entity | Checks if the target **Player** is sprinting |
| [Height](/skills/conditions/height) | Location | Checks if the target's Y location is within a range |
| [HeightAbove](/skills/conditions/heightabove) | Location | Checks if the target's Y location is above a value |
| [HeightBelow](/skills/conditions/heightbelow) | Location | Checks if the target's Y location is below a given value |
| [Holding](/skills/conditions/holding) | Entity | Checks if the target is holding a given material(support MythicMobs and MMOItems) |
| [InBlock](/skills/conditions/inblock) | Location | Checks the material at the target location |
| [InCombat](/skills/conditions/incombat) | Entity | If the target mob is considered in combat |
| [Inside](/skills/conditions/inside) | Location | Checks if the target has a block over their head |
| [isBaby](/skills/conditions/isbaby) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is a baby |
| [isCaster](/skills/conditions/iscaster) | Entity | Checks if the target is the caster |
| [isChild](/skills/conditions/ischild) | Entity | Checks if the target is a child of the caster |
| [isClimbing](/skills/conditions/isClimbing) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is climbing |
| [isFlying](/skills/conditions/isflying) | Entity | Checks if the target player is flying |
| [isFrozen](/skills/conditions/isfrozen) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is frozen |
| [isLiving](/skills/conditions/isliving) | Entity | Checks if the target is a living entity |
| [isLeashed](/skills/conditions/isleashed) | Entity | Checks if the target has been leashed |
| [isMythicMob](/skills/conditions/ismythicmob) | Entity | Checks if the target is a MythicMob |
| [isMonster](/skills/conditions/ismonster) | Entity | Checks if the target is a monster |
| [isPlayer](/skills/conditions/isplayer) | Entity | Checks if the target is a player |
| [isSaddled](/skills/conditions/issaddled) | Entity | Checks if the target entity is saddled |
| [isSprinting](/skills/conditions/issprinting) | Entity | Checks if the target **Player** is sprinting |
| [ItemIsSimilar](/skills/conditions/itemissimilar) | Entity | Checks that targeted player's inventory slot if it's similar to an item |
| [ItemRecharging](/skills/conditions/itemrecharging) | Entity | Checks if the target's weapon is recharging |
| [LastDamageCause](/skills/conditions/lastdamagecause) | Entity | Checks the target's last damage cause |
| [ItemRecharging](/skills/conditions/itemrecharging) | Entity | Checks if the target's weapon is recharging |
| [LastDamageCause](/skills/conditions/lastdamagecause) | Entity | Checks the target's last damage cause |
| [LastSignal](/skills/conditions/lastsignal) | Entity | Matches the last signal received by the target mob |
| [Level](/skills/conditions/level) | Entity | Checks the target MythicMob's level |
| [LightLevel](/skills/conditions/lightlevel) | Location | Tests the light level at the target location |
| [LightLevelFromBlocks](/skills/conditions/lightlevelfromblocks) | Location | Tests the light level originating from light-emitting blocks at the target location |
| [LineOfSight](/skills/conditions/lineofsight) | Compare | Tests if the target is within line of sight of the caster |
| [LineOfSightFromOrigin](/skills/conditions/lineofsightfromorigin) | Compare | Tests if the target is within line of sight of the caster |
| [LunarPhase](/skills/conditions/lunarphase) | Location | Checks the target world's lunar phase |
| [MobSize](/skills/skills/conditions/mobsize) | Entity | Checks the size of the target entity |
| [MobsInRadius](/skills/conditions/mobsinradius) | Location | Checks how many mobs are in a given radius |
| [MobsInChunk](/skills/conditions/mobsinchunk) | Location | Matches a range to how many mobs are in the target location's chunk |
| [MobsInWorld](/skills/conditions/mobsinworld) | Location | Matches a range to how many mobs are in the target world |
| [MotionX](/skills/conditions/motionx) | Entity | Checks the X motion of the target entity against a range. |
| [MotionY](/skills/conditions/motiony) | Entity | Checks the Y motion of the target entity against a range. |
| [MotionZ](/skills/conditions/motionz) | Entity | If the target has a velocity greater than zero |
| [Mounted](/skills/conditions/mounted) | Entity | If the target entity is riding a mount/vehicle |
| [Moving](/skills/conditions/moving) | Entity | If the target has a velocity greater than zero |
| [MythicMobType](/skills/conditions/mythicmobtype) | Entity | Checks the MythicMob type of the target mob |
| [MythicPack](/skills/conditions/mythicpack) | Meta | Checks for the presence of Pack |
| [Name](/skills/conditions/name) | Entity | Checks against the entity's name |
| [NearClaim](/skills/conditions/nearclaim) | Location | If the target location is near any GriefPrevention claims |
| [Level](/skills/conditions/level) | Entity | Checks the target MythicMob's level |
| [LightLevel](/skills/conditions/lightlevel) | Location | Tests the light level at the target location |
| [LightLevelFromBlocks](/skills/conditions/lightlevelfromblocks) | Location | Tests the light level originating from light-emitting blocks at the target location |
| [LineOfSight](/skills/conditions/lineofsight) | Compare | Tests if the target is within line of sight of the caster |
| [LineOfSightFromOrigin](/skills/conditions/lineofsightfromorigin) | Compare | Tests if the target is within line of sight of the caster |
| [LunarPhase](/skills/conditions/lunarphase) | Location | Checks the target world's lunar phase |
| [MobSize](/skills/skills/conditions/mobsize) | Entity | Checks the size of the target entity |
| [MobsInRadius](/skills/conditions/mobsinradius) | Location | Checks how many mobs are in a given radius |
| [MobsInChunk](/skills/conditions/mobsinchunk) | Location | Matches a range to how many mobs are in the target location's chunk |
| [MobsInWorld](/skills/conditions/mobsinworld) | Location | Matches a range to how many mobs are in the target world |
| [MotionX](/skills/conditions/motionx) | Entity | Checks the X motion of the target entity against a range. |
| [MotionY](/skills/conditions/motiony) | Entity | Checks the Y motion of the target entity against a range. |
| [MotionZ](/skills/conditions/motionz) | Entity | If the target has a velocity greater than zero |
| [Mounted](/skills/conditions/mounted) | Entity | If the target entity is riding a mount/vehicle |
| [Moving](/skills/conditions/moving) | Entity | If the target has a velocity greater than zero |
| [MythicMobType](/skills/conditions/mythicmobtype) | Entity | Checks the MythicMob type of the target mob |
| [MythicPack](/skills/conditions/mythicpack) | Meta | Checks for the presence of Pack |
| [Name](/skills/conditions/name) | Entity | Checks against the entity's name |
| [NearClaim](/skills/conditions/nearclaim) | Location | If the target location is near any GriefPrevention claims |
| [Night](/skills/conditions/night) | Location | If the time is night, from 14000 to 22000 in-game time |
| [NotInRegion](/skills/conditions/notinregion) | Location | If the target location is not within the given WorldGuard region |
| [OffGCD](/skills/conditions/offgcd) | Entity | Checks if the target mob has an active Global Cooldown |
| [NotInRegion](/skills/conditions/notinregion) | Location | If the target location is not within the given WorldGuard region |
| [OffGCD](/skills/conditions/offgcd) | Entity | Checks if the target mob has an active Global Cooldown |
| [OnBlock](/skills/conditions/onblock) | Location | Matches the block the target entity is standing on |
| [OnGround](/skills/conditions/onground) | Entity | If the target entity is standing on solid ground |
| [Outside](/skills/conditions/outside) | Location | If the target has open sky above them |
| [Owner](/skills/conditions/owner) | Compare | Checks if the target entity is the owner of the caster |
| [OwnerIsOnline](/skills/conditions/ownerisonline) | Entity | Checks if the owner of the target mob is online, if the owner is a player |
| [OnGround](/skills/conditions/onground) | Entity | If the target entity is standing on solid ground |
| [Outside](/skills/conditions/outside) | Location | If the target has open sky above them |
| [Owner](/skills/conditions/owner) | Compare | Checks if the target entity is the owner of the caster |
| [OwnerIsOnline](/skills/conditions/ownerisonline) | Entity | Checks if the owner of the target mob is online, if the owner is a player |
| [PackVersion](/skills/conditions/packversion) | Meta | Checks if a pack has a specified version |
| [PackVersionGreater](/skills/conditions/packversiongreater) | Meta | Checks if a pack has a version greater or equal the specified one |
| [Pitch](/skills/conditions/pitch) | Entity | Checks if the pitch of the target entity is within a range |
| [Pitch](/skills/conditions/pitch) | Entity | Checks if the pitch of the target entity is within a range |
| [PlayerKills](/skills/conditions/playerkills) | Entity | Matches how many players the target mob has killed |
| [PlayersInRadius](/skills/conditions/playersinradius) | Entity | Checks how many players are in a radius |
| [PlayersInRadius](/skills/conditions/playersinradius) | Entity | Checks how many players are in a radius |
| [PlayersOnline](/skills/conditions/playersonline) | Meta | Matches the number of players online |
| [PlayersInWorld](skills/conditions/playersinworld) | Meta | Matches the number of players in the caster's world |
| [PlayerNotWithin](/skills/conditions/playernotwithin) | Location | Checks if any players are within a radius of the target |
| [PlayerWithin](/skills/conditions/playerwithin) | Location | Checks if any players are within a radius of the target |
| [Plugin](/skills/conditions/plugin) | Meta | Checks if the specified plugin is running on the server |
| [Premium](/skills/conditions/premium) | Meta | Checks if MythicMobs Premium is running on the server |
| [Raining](/skills/conditions/raining) | Location | If it's raining in the target world |
| [Region](/skills/conditions/region) | Location | If the target is within the given WorldGuard region |
| [SameFaction](/skills/conditions/samefaction) | Entity | Tests if the caster and target are in the same faction |
| [Score](/skills/conditions/score) | Entity | Checks a scoreboard value of the target entity |
| [SkillOnCooldown](/skills/conditions/skilloncooldown) | Entity | Checks if the given skill is in cooldown for the target |
| [Stance](/skills/conditions/stance) | Entity | Checks the stance of the target mob |
| [StringEquals](/skills/conditions/stringequals) | Meta | Checks if value1 equals value2. Both values can use variables and placeholders. |
| [Structure](/skills/conditions/structure) | Location | Matches if the target location is inside of a structure |
| [Sunny](/skills/conditions/sunny) | Location | If the weather is sunny in the target world. |
| [TargetInLineOfSight](/skills/conditions/targetinlineofsight) | Entity | Tests if the target has line of sight to their target |
| [TargetNotInLineOfSight](/skills/conditions/targetnotinlineofsight) | Entity | Tests if the target doesn't have line of sight to their target |
| [TargetWithin](/skills/conditions/targetwithin) | Entity | Tests if the target's target is within a certain distance |
| [TargetNotWithin](/skills/conditions/targetnotwithin) | Entity | Tests if the target's target is not within a certain distance |
| [Targets](/skills/conditions/targets) | Meta | Tests if the number of inherited targets from the parent skilltree matches the given range. |
| [Thundering](/skills/conditions/thundering) | Location | If it's thundering in the target world |
| [VariableInRange](/skills/conditions/variableinrange) | Meta | Checks if the given numeric variable is within a certain range. |
| [VariableIsSet](/skills/conditions/variableisset) | Meta | Checks if the given variable is set. |
| [VariableEquals](/skills/conditions/variableequals) | Meta | Checks if the given variable has a particular value. |
| [Wearing](/skills/conditions/wearing) | Entity | Tests what the target entity has equipped. |
| [World](/skills/conditions/world) | Location | Checks the name of the target world. |
| [WorldTime](/skills/conditions/worldtime) | Location | Matches a range against the target location's world's time. |
| [Yaw](/skills/conditions/yaw) | Entity | Checks the yaw of the target entity against a range. |
| [yDiff](/skills/conditions/ydiff) | Entity | Checks the difference in Y between the targeted entity and the caster. |
| [PlayerNotWithin](/skills/conditions/playernotwithin) | Location | Checks if any players are within a radius of the target |
| [PlayerWithin](/skills/conditions/playerwithin) | Location | Checks if any players are within a radius of the target |
| [Plugin](/skills/conditions/plugin) | Meta | Checks if the specified plugin is running on the server |
| [Premium](/skills/conditions/premium) | Meta | Checks if MythicMobs Premium is running on the server |
| [Raining](/skills/conditions/raining) | Location | If it's raining in the target world |
| [Region](/skills/conditions/region) | Location | If the target is within the given WorldGuard region |
| [SameFaction](/skills/conditions/samefaction) | Entity | Tests if the caster and target are in the same faction |
| [Score](/skills/conditions/score) | Entity | Checks a scoreboard value of the target entity |
| [ServerNmsVersion](/skills/conditions/servernmsversion) | Meta | Checks if the server is running the specified minecraft NMS version. |
| [ServerVersion](/skills/conditions/serverversion) | Meta | Checks if the server is running the specified minecraft version. |
| [SkillOnCooldown](/skills/conditions/skilloncooldown) | Entity | Checks if the given skill is in cooldown for the target |
| [Stance](/skills/conditions/stance) | Entity | Checks the stance of the target mob |
| [StringEquals](/skills/conditions/stringequals) | Meta | Checks if value1 equals value2. Both values can use variables and placeholders. |
| [Structure](/skills/conditions/structure) | Location | Matches if the target location is inside of a structure |
| [Sunny](/skills/conditions/sunny) | Location | If the weather is sunny in the target world. |
| [TargetInLineOfSight](/skills/conditions/targetinlineofsight) | Entity | Tests if the target has line of sight to their target |
| [TargetNotInLineOfSight](/skills/conditions/targetnotinlineofsight) | Entity | Tests if the target doesn't have line of sight to their target |
| [TargetWithin](/skills/conditions/targetwithin) | Entity | Tests if the target's target is within a certain distance |
| [TargetNotWithin](/skills/conditions/targetnotwithin) | Entity | Tests if the target's target is not within a certain distance |
| [Targets](/skills/conditions/targets) | Meta | Tests if the number of inherited targets from the parent skilltree matches the given range. |
| [Thundering](/skills/conditions/thundering) | Location | If it's thundering in the target world |
| [VariableInRange](/skills/conditions/variableinrange) | Meta | Checks if the given numeric variable is within a certain range. |
| [VariableIsSet](/skills/conditions/variableisset) | Meta | Checks if the given variable is set. |
| [VariableEquals](/skills/conditions/variableequals) | Meta | Checks if the given variable has a particular value. |
| [Wearing](/skills/conditions/wearing) | Entity | Tests what the target entity has equipped. |
| [World](/skills/conditions/world) | Location | Checks the name of the target world. |
| [WorldTime](/skills/conditions/worldtime) | Location | Matches a range against the target location's world's time. |
| [Yaw](/skills/conditions/yaw) | Entity | Checks the yaw of the target entity against a range. |
| [yDiff](/skills/conditions/ydiff) | Entity | Checks the difference in Y between the targeted entity and the caster. |
More Examples
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