Spawners allow you to define specific points in your worlds at which
your custom mob creations can spawn. They can with a variety of useful
options, conditions and built-in timers, cooldowns and warmups. Note
that in MythicSpawners you can only use the old conditions system. Here
can you find them: [Legacy Conditions](/conditions/legacyconditions)
You can create spawners directly ingame by using [Commands](/commands)
and by creating the a configuration file in the folder
*/MythicMobs/Spawners*. Note that once a spawner-configuration file has
been loaded onto a running server, it can only be edited by ingame
commands. If you want to edit a already loaded spawner-configuration
file in a text-editor, you have to stop the server in the meantime.
### Pros of Spawners
- Doesn't require natural mob spawning to be enabled to work.
- Allows for a much more specific and consistent implementation
because you can specify exactly where and how each mob spawn.
- Support timers, leashing and other features.
- Good to populate small arenas or dungeons.
### Cons of Spawners
- Setup can be time consuming especially for larger implementations.
- Can become very difficult to manage if not planned out correctly.
- Mobs need to be configured appropriately.
- Despawn false isnt a option that is meant to be used in mythic
Example Config
MobName: mobTypeName
World: worldname
SpawnerGroup: GroupName
X: 0
Y: 0
Z: 0
Radius: 0
RadiusY: 0
UseTimer: true
MaxMobs: 1
MobLevel: 1
MobsPerSpawn: 1
Cooldown: 0
CooldownTimer: 0
Warmup: 0
WarmupTimer: 0
CheckForPlayers: true
ActivationRange: 40
LeashRange: 32
HealOnLeash: false
ResetThreatOnLeash: false
ShowFlames: false
Breakable: false
Conditions: []
ActiveMobs: 1
- **mobtype <mobtype>** or **mobname: <mobtype>:**
- This is mob type that the spawner will spawn. Can only be set
to any internal MythicMobs mob.
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 mobtype GreaterSkeleton** (Changes
the mobtype from DecayingSkeleton to GreaterSkeleton)
- **world: <worldname>:**
- This is the filename of the world where the spawner is located
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 world survivalworld** (Changes the
world where the spawner is located to survivalworld)
- **spawnergroup: <group name>**
- This sets the group name for the spawn.
- For larger configurations, such as if you are populating a
dungeon, you can group all spawners together and then change
settings for them all at the same time. If you have 20 spawners,
this is the difference between typing 2 or 3 commands and 20 or
30 commands.
- \*\*/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 group Ruins \*\*(Puts this
spawner in the Ruins group)
- Using the group command:
- **/mm s set g:Ruins warmup 300**
- Sets the warmup settings for all spawners in the ruins
group to 300
- **X: / Y: / Z:**
- Coordinates of the spawner
- **radius: <number>:**
- This is the radius around the spawner at which the mob can
spawn. setting to 0 will cause the mob to spawn exactly on its
spawner. Setting it to 5 will allow the mob to spawn anywhere
within a 5 block radius of the spawner.
- This can be used to make mob spawns in large areas feel more
random when large radius' are used.
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 radius 5** (Sets the spawner to
spawn mobs within a 5 block radius)
- **radiusY: <number>:**
- This is the vertical radius around the spawner at which the mob
can spawn. setting to 0 will cause the mob to spawn exactly on
its spawner's Y level. Setting it to 5 will allow the mob to
spawn anywhere within a vertical 5 block radius of the spawner.
- This can be used to make mob spawns in large areas feel more
random when large radius' are used.
- Defaults to 0
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 radiusy 5** (Sets the spawner to
spawn mobs within a vertical 5 block radius)
- **usetimer: <true/false>:**
- Whether or not the spawner activates on a timer. Set to false
to activate on command only
- Defaults to true
- **maxmobs: <number>:**
- This is the max number of mobs that can be spawned and existing
in the world for this spawner. Should be set equal to or greater
than the **mobsperspawn** settings.
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 maxmobs 2** (Sets the spawner to
allow a maximum of 2 mobs to be spawned)
- **moblevel: <number>:**
- This is the level of the mob that should spawn from this
spawner. Mob must have level configuration for this to work. Can
only be a single level.
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 moblevel 2** (Sets the spawner to
spawn mobs of level 2)
- **mobsperspawn: <number>:**
- This is the number of mobs spawned each time the spawner spawns
a mob. This is limited by the **maxmobs** settings.
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 mobsperspawn 2** (Sets the spawner
to spawn 2 mobs each time)
- **cooldown: <number>:**
- This the amount of time in seconds that the spawner waits after
a mob has been spawned before another mob is spawned.
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 cooldown 30** (Sets cooldown to 30
- Timing: warmup\*> mob spawns\*> cooldown\*> mob
- **cooldowntimer: <number>:**
- This option is set automatically by the spawner, *it does not
require any user setting*.
- Used to bridge cooldowns over server reboots.
- **warmup: <number>:**
- The amount of time in seconds before the spawner start
cooldown. Warmup start on activation and if maxmobs is reached
and a mob dies.
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 warmup 300** (Sets warmup to 5
- **warmuptimer: <number>:**
- This option is set automatically by the spawner, *it does not
require any user setting*.
- Used to bridge warmups over server reboots.
- **checkforplayers: <true/false>:**
- Whether or not players must be near the spawner for it to
- Defaults to true for performance
- **activationrange: <number>:**
- What radius must players be within for the spawner to activate.
- Defaults to 40
- **leashrange: <number>:**
- This is the max distance that a mob can move from its spawn
location before it is teleported back to where it came from.
- \*\*/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 leashrange 15 \*\*(Sets
leashrange to 15 blocks)
- **healonleash: <true/false>**
- Whether the mob should heal to full health when it leashes back
to its spawner
- \*\*/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 healonleash true \*\* (Mobs
spawned from this spawner will heal on leash)
- **resetthreatonleash: <true/false>**
- Resets ThreatTables (if enabled) when a mob teleports back to
its spawner.
- Defaults to true
- **showflames: <true/false>:**
- Set this to true to show flames around the spawner. Useful for
debugging purposes.
- **/mm s set Ruins\_Skeleton1 showflames true** (Turn on flames
particle for this spawner.)
- **breakable: <true/false>:**
- *This entry needs clarification.*
- **conditions:**
- Set conditions to be met for the spawner to activate.
- MythicSpawners can only use the legacy conditions system. Here
can you find them: [Legacy
- **activemobs: <number>**
- This option is set automatically by the spawner, *it does not
require any user setting*.
- Used to keep track of mobs connected to (spawned by) the
spawner. |