Potential item parser issue with specific NBT tags
Trying to create an item which would open a crate using the ExcellentCrates plugin. They denote each key for each crate via a NBT tag in PublicBukkitValues: "excellentcrates.crate_key.id": , in my example value is enchants. When trying to add an NBT tag to an item script, it does not parse correctly and doesn't register - using data get entity @s SelectedItem on both the key obtained directly from ExcellentCrates and the key from MythicMobs, the key from MythicMobs, the NBT key in particular, gets split between excellentcrates:crate_key and id, whereas the ExcellentCrates item has them combined. I tried to use "" to surround the key to no avail. Describe the bug encountered in detail.
- Create a key for ExcellentCrates - give the key id "enchants" when prompted
- Create crate for ExcellentCrates, and place at least one item to enable opening them.
- Go to key menu in ExcellentCrates, obtain the key, obtain a crate, observe it works.
- Now try to create an item with an NBT tag of excellentcrates.crate_key.id: enchants
- When parsing the item, MythicMobs splits the id from the rest of the key, effectively making two keys which ExcellentCrates doesn't like.
- When trying to open a crate with only a MythicMobs key in your inventory, ExcellentCrates does not register it and can't let you open it.
Provide a full set of steps used to reproduce the bug, including links to SEPARATE Pastebin pastes for each relevant configuration file.
The key for the NBT tag ExcellentCrates uses gets split in two parts instead of being in one, as ExcellentCrates makes it.
Describe what happens currently, while the bug is affecting your server.
When parsed, the MythicMobs item should have a single NBT tag entrance of "excellentcrates.crate_key.id", not split. This way, it would work with ExcellentCrates
Describe what you think should happen instead of the bug.
Provide a link to a Pastebin paste with a copy of your server's latest.log file from startup to "Done!" AND includes a player connecting.
Provide a link to a Pastebin paste with an excerpt of your latest.log file that includes debug output where you trigger the bugged behavior.
I'm not sure what could be wrong with the parser, but maybe if there isn't already add a way to force the parser to make something a key even if it wants to separate it, like with "" around the key?
Describe what you think the issue or any potential fixes may be.