... | ... | @@ -69,17 +69,15 @@ All these triggers can be used with [Furnitures](/Furniture) |
| [onBlockPlace](/Skills/Triggers/onBlockPlace) | When the furniture is placed |
| [onBlockBreak](/Skills/Triggers/onBlockBreak) | When the furniture is broken |
| onBlockRotate | When the furniture is rotated |
| [onBlockRotate](/Skills/Triggers/onBlockRotate) | When the furniture is rotated |
| [onBlockSit](/Skills/Triggers/onBlockSit) | When a player sits on the furniture |
| [onDamaged](/Skills/Triggers/onDamaged) | When the furniture is punched |
| onFurnitureStateChange | When the furnitures state changed. This is triggered every time the [SetFurnitureState](/Skills/Mechanics/setfurniturestate) mechanic is used, even if the state stays the same. |
| [onFurnitureStateChange](/Skills/Triggers/onFurnitureStateChange) | When the furnitures state changed. This is triggered every time the [SetFurnitureState](/Skills/Mechanics/setfurniturestate) mechanic is used, even if the state stays the same. |
| [onFurnitureInventoryOpen](/Skills/Triggers/onFurnitureInventoryOpen) | When the [Furniture Inventory](/Skills/Mechanics/furnitureinventory) is opened |
| [onFurnitureInventoryClose](/Skills/Triggers/onFurnitureInventoryClose) | When the [Furniture Inventory](/Skills/Mechanics/furnitureinventory) is closed |
| [onInteract](/Skills/Triggers/onInteract) | When a player right clicks the furniture |
| onPaint | When a paintbrush is used on a furniture |
| [onTimer](/Skills/Triggers/onTimer) | Every X ticks |
| [onBlockRotate](/Skills/Triggers/onBlockRotate) | When the furniture is rotated |
| [onBlockSit](/Skills/Triggers/onBlockSit) | When a player sits on the furniture |
| [onFurnitureStateChange](/Skills/Triggers/onFurnitureStateChange) | When the state of the furniture changes |
# Examples
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