... | ... | @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ Note that `Description` is used as a placeholder in the `BasicWeaponTest`'s `<lo |
| {stats-each} | If a line starts with this, it will repeat for each stat the item has, and each line can fetch stats-specific values for each of those stats, like <stat.display> |
| {augments:GEM} | If a line starts with this, it will only render if the item has the augment of the specified type |
| {augments-each:GEM} | If a line starts with this, it will repeat for each augment of the specified type the item has, and each line can fetch augemnt-specific values for each of those augments, like <augment.display> |
| {equipment-set} | If the Equipment is part of a [Set](/Sets), this will be replaced by its lore |
### Custom Placeholders
The `<placeholder.*>` placeholders in the above example are referencing the examples provided from the new `placeholders.yml`, which can also be used:
... | ... | |