AI Goal Selectors broken for some mobs
AI Goal Selectors doesn't work for some mobs. Using only clear fastest testing method.
If meleeattack goal is used in one of the mobs that are broken, the mob stops after a certain period of time if the player does not move at all and does nothing until the player moves. Example video for this behavior:
- clear
Working mobs: blaze, creeper, drowned, endermite, evoker, ghast, husk, magma_cube, pillager, ravager, shulker, silverfish, slime, vex, vindicator, witch, zombie, zombie_villager, bee, cave_spider, enderman, iron_golem, llama, panda, polar_bear, spider, wolf, zombified_piglin
Not working mobs: elder_guardian, guardian, hoglin, phantom, piglin_brute, skeleton, stray, wither_skeleton, goat, zoglin, piglin,
Many mobs are unimportant, but can you fix the skeleton family?
Tested with 1.18.2 Purpur and MythicMobs-5.1.4
Edit more info: Use meleeattack on zombies make zombie freezee issue same as video.
- clear
- meleeattack