I think Prevent Trans formation should call InWaterTime and not DrownedConversionTime
I think Prevent Trans formation should call InWaterTime and not DrownedConversionTime Because InWaterTime is used to control the time before starting conversion DrownedConversionTime is the time from the start of the conversion to the completion of the conversion.
Steps to reproduce
Provide a full set of steps used to reproduce the bug, including links to SEPARATE Pastebin pastes for each relevant configuration file.
I need to call the command to prevent the zombies from transforming But command feedback will always appear, and there is no way to hide it.
Current behavior
Describe what happens currently, while the bug is affecting your server.
the "PreventTransformation" should call InWaterTime to control the time before starting conversion.
Intended correct behavior
Describe what you think should happen instead of the bug.
Server log file
Provide a link to a Pastebin paste with a copy of your server's latest.log file from startup to "Done!" AND includes a player connecting.
Debug log snippet
Provide a link to a Pastebin paste with an excerpt of your latest.log file that includes debug output where you trigger the bugged behavior.
Proposed fixes
Describe what you think the issue or any potential fixes may be.
In addition, I also hope that skeletons can also
A skeleton stuck in the young snow transforms into a wanderer Skeletons will begin to transform into wanderers after being in light snow for 7 seconds (140 game ticks), and will take another 15 seconds (300 game ticks) to complete. After being transformed into a wanderer, its health points will be restored to full, and the equipment and weapons it originally carried will not disappear."
KEEP skeletons "TicksFrozen" 139