NBT placeholder not able to parse as a value for null |0
Items with '&c<caster.item.nbt.kills|0> in their lore will not parse correctly when dropped from a source that isnt directly from mythicmobs.
Steps to reproduce
(Note, when I +1 the nbt data per kill and updatelore, the change is reflected and shown as 1)
Current behavior
Error: [04:56:19 WARN]: [MythicMobs] This error has been saved in the Error Logs folder. Please report it on the MythicCraft forums or discord. [04:56:19 ERROR]: [MythicMobs] Failed to process placeholder <caster.item.nbt.uses|0> in xPlaceholderString{'§7Uses: <caster.item.nbt.uses|0> / 3'} [04:56:19 ERROR]: [MythicMobs] Cannot invoke "io.lumine.mythic.api.skills.SkillCaster.getEntity()" because the return value of "io.lumine.mythic.core.skills.placeholders.PlaceholderMeta.getCaster()" is null (java.lang.NullPointerException)
When the item is dropped, it displays <caster.item.nbt.uses|0> instead of 0, (this only happens when dropped from any factor but doesn't happen strangely when given directly from the mmmenu.
Intended correct behavior
Returns the number 0 Server log file
Debug log snippet
Proposed fixes
I have no idea probably an API issue, I want to say it's the plugin's fault that hook into mythic but the issue is consistent across 3 plugins.