| :------: |
| **The following features are only available in Mythic Dungeons 2.0 dev builds!!** |
Procedural dungeons have their own unique config file called `generation.yml` that lets you specify how it will generate and distribute rooms. This includes the total number of rooms, branching options, and more.
You can also modify the `default-generator.yml` in the `maps` folder to change the default values of a brand new procedural dungeon.
Here is the current default generator config provided by the plugin for your reference. _This file is kept up to date with changes, so check back here for new generation options!_
# While there are plenty of comments here, it's recommended to check the wiki for further explanations and examples of some of these config options.
# https://git.lumine.io/mythiccraft/MythicDungeons/-/wikis/Procedural-Dungeons
# The layout decides how rooms are generated. Included layout modes are:
# BRANCHING - Generates linearly, with a chance to generate branches. (Configured under 'BranchSettings')
# MINECRAFTY - Generates the dungeon similarly to Minecraft's Strongholds and Nether Fortresses by trying to generate a room at every connector.
# General settings applicable to all generated dungeons.
# A valid Spigot material (must be a block) that will surround all the dungeon rooms. (Set to AIR if you want no surrounding block.)
# See https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html for a list of material names.
SurroundingBlock: STONE
# The minimum number of rooms a MINECRAFTY dungeon must generate with.
MinRooms: 8
# The maximum number of rooms a MINECRAFTY dungeon is allowed to have.
MaxRooms: 16
# Whether to force the dungeon to have at least the above minimum room count. Set to false if your dungeon is having trouble generating enough rooms.
StrictRoomCount: true
# Config options used when generating with the BRANCHING layout mode.
# This is the MAIN SECTION of the dungeon; the first "branch" if you will. We call this the "trunk".
# NOTE: This one is required for the dungeon to generate and cannot be renamed. If it's missing, default values will be used.
# A list of rooms this branch can use. Leave empty to use all rooms. ([] means empty). EXAMPLE:
# Rooms:
# - stairs1
# - bend1
# - hallway1
Rooms: []
# A list of possible rooms this branch could end with. Same format as the above rooms list.
EndRooms: []
# How heavily the generator favors generating in a straight line (when possible.) Range from 0 to 1.0
# NOTE: This is a priority system, not a guarantee!
Straightness: 0.5
# The minimum number of rooms the trunk will have. (In this case, this is the amount of rooms in the main section of the dungeon.)
MinRooms: 12
# The maximum number of rooms the trunk can have.
MaxRooms: 24
# Whether to force the branch to have at least the above minimum room count. Set to false if your dungeon is having trouble generating enough rooms.
StrictRoomCount: true
# Here is an example of an alternate branch. The name here can be whatever you want!
Rooms: []
EndRooms: []
Straightness: 0.5
# The minimum number of rooms this type of branch can have.
MinRooms: 6
# The maximum number of rooms this type of branch can have.
MaxRooms: 12
StrictRoomCount: true
# A range of how many rooms into the dungeon this branch can generate. Supports operators such as >, >=, <, <=, etc.
Depth: 8
# A range of how many times this branch can generate. Supports operators such as >, >=, <, <=, etc.
Occurrences: 0-1
# Whether to force this branch to occur at least the above times. Set to false if your dungeon is having trouble generating enough branches.
StrictBranchCount: true
``` |
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