... | ... | @@ -9,18 +9,19 @@ New Stuff |
- Added an option to hide death messages in a dungeon. (Found in the dungeon config.)
- Added `Allow Retrigger` for player distance trigger. (Still some quirks with this, but works as intended.)
- Added functionality for the distance trigger to use "all" as the minimum player count, which automatically sets the players required to match the amount of players present in the dungeon.
- **PlaceholderAPI support!** [Learn more here!](PlaceholderAPI)
- **Added [PlaceholderAPI](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/) support!** [Learn more here!](PlaceholderAPI)
- **Added dungeon access keys!** Access keys can be modified with the `/md addkey` and `/md removekey` commands, and include a config option for whether or not they should be consumed on use. (Supports Mythic Items.)
- Added a `/md delete` command for deleting dungeons. (Requires confirmation.)
- **Heroes party support!**
- **Added Citizens NPC support!** NPCs can now be spawned in a dungeon using the NPC function.
- **Added BetonQuest events and objectives!** [Learn more here!](BetonQuest)
- **Added [Heroes](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/heroes-free-for-1-16-and-below.305/) party support!**
- **Added [Citizens](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/citizens.13811/) NPC support!** NPCs can now be spawned in a dungeon using the NPC function.
- **Added [BetonQuest](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/betonquest-all-your-adventure-supplies-versatile-quests-in-depth-conversations.2117/) events and objectives!** [Learn more here!](BetonQuest)
- Added a money or "cost" dungeon entry requirement option for use with Vault economy plugins.
- Added specific options for keeping health, food level, or potion effects when entering a dungeon.
- **Added a language file!** Modify `lang.yml` to customize most player-facing messages in Mythic Dungeons.
- Added Mythic Mobs drop table support to Loot Table Rewards function.
- Mythic Mobs dungeon signal mechanic, shares-party condition, finished dungeon condition, and dungeon cooldown condition. [Learn more here!](Mythic-Mobs-Integration)
- **Added MMOCore party support!**
- **Added [MMOCore](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mmocore.70575/) party support!**
- **Added [Parties](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/parties-an-advanced-parties-manager.3709/) party support!**
Bug Fixes
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