Asset layers are the pieces that come together to make a single [[Assets]] "piece" of a HUD.
Layers each have a single role/feature, and are configured in the order they will visually appear from top to bottom. For example, A `shadow` layer would probably be at the bottom of your asset layers, since it should be behind everything. An `icon` would likely be on top, so nothing blocks the static texture.
## Arrangement
### Alignment
Asset layers move in the direction of their alignment, from their start position:
| **align:** | `left` | `center` | `right` |
| ---------- | ------ | -------- | ------- |
### Outlined
This will give a shadow-backdrop outline to the asset layer.
outlined: true
### Offset
The core positioning of the asset layer - this moves the asset based on the origin point for the whole Asset (where it is placed in [HUD Layouts](Layouts) ). This is how to position various layers around within an asset, to make a single object ready to arrange within a HUD.
x: -5 # pixels left/right
y: 2 # pixels up/down
### Color
Some layers can be colored, such as tinting a texture or a font color. Supports named colors from minimessage and hex color codes.
color: white
color: "#ffbb00"
## Contents
### Text Layer
Text layers can be static or contain placeholders, either from the layer's listener or PlaceholderAPI.
| **Listener Placeholder** | **Description** |
| ------------------------ | -------------------------------------- |
| `%{layer-key}-value%` | The `value` of the listener. |
| `%{layer-key}-max%` | The `max` of the listener. |
| `%{layer-key}-percent%` | The percentage output of the listener. |
The `{layer-key}` to be used here is the name of the asset layer whose listener you are displaying, usually the name of the functional text layer to display the value(s) of the bar the asset is for.
### Static Texture Layer
This layer type is for rendering a single, positioned texture. These are often used for the background of a bar to fill behind it as the front, functional layer empties, or a static icon.
#### Example
texture: # looking within the `/MythicHUD/textures/` folder
path: assetsvanilla/exp_bar_short_outline.png
align: right
outlined: false
color: white
x: 0
y: 0
### Functional Texture Layer
This is a layer for a segmented texture to be linked to one of the configured [Listeners](Listeners), to create a bar which will fill/empty based on the listener's returned percentage.
Uses other layer configurations, and has a `function` section to configure how the bar represents the `listener`:
#### Listener
Listeners determine the percentage fill a bar texture renders.
listener: health
#### Increment
The increment is the amount of sections your layer should split into.
increment: 13
##### Orientation
The way the layer should deplete from. Can either be Horizontal or Vertical.
orientation: horizontal
##### Reversed
Whether or not the layer should deplete the other way. This option defaults to false.
reversed: true
#### Example
texture: # looking within the `/MythicHUD/textures/` folder
path: assets/vanilla/exp_bar_short_fill.png
align: right
outlined: false
color: "#f23a3a"
x: 0
y: 0
listener: health
increment: 13
orientation: horizontal
reversed: false
``` |
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