MythicCrucible reformatting non-crucible recipe results
MythicCrucible reformatting non-crucible recipe results
I'm using Denizen to create custom crafting recipes, and have noticed that occasionally my Denizen items cannot be used in the crafting recipes of other Denizen items. I have narrowed the issue down to MythicCrucible, by only using a clean install of Denizen, MythicMobs, and MythicCrucible on a test server. This issue does not occur if I am using Denizen alone.
It turns out MythicCrucible is doing some reformatting of non-crucible items in the craft item event. Specifically, the things I've found is that it converts every hex color code in lore lines to be all-uppercase, and it converts unicode \uXXXX codes into their respective characters.
This means if I have hex color codes in my Denizen items' lore, or use characters such as single quotes, MythicCrucible reformats the item in the craft event and prevents it from matching any subsequent Denizen recipes. It also prevents stacking the items together if they can be obtained through non-crafting means.
An example listening to CraftItemEvent before and after MythicCrucible alters items:
{"extra":[{"bold":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"#abc123","text":"It\u0027s a test"}],"text":""}
{"extra":[{"bold":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"#ABC123","text":"It's a test"}],"text":""}
There may be other ways it changes the item. Ideally it would not alter non-crucible recipe items at all.
added Bug label
marked this issue as related to #93
I cracked the jar open, it is definitely messing with the lore.
@EventHandler(priority=EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void eventCraft(CraftItemEvent event) { try { ItemMeta im; if (event.getCurrentItem() == null || event.getCurrentItem().getType() == Material.AIR) { return; } ItemStack item = event.getCurrentItem(); if (item.hasItemMeta() && (im = item.getItemMeta()).hasLore()) { ArrayList<String> parsedLore = new ArrayList<String>(); int num = 0; for (String str : im.getLore()) { if (str.contains("{")) { Matcher pMatcher = LoreRanges.matcher(str); while (pMatcher.find()) { int min = Integer.parseInt(; int max = Integer.parseInt(; num = MythicCrucible.r.nextInt(max - min) + min; str = str.replace(, "" + num); MythicCrucible.debug("-- Replacing number range " + + " with " + num); } str = str.replace("{lastrandom}", String.valueOf(num)); } parsedLore.add(str); } im.setLore(parsedLore); item.setItemMeta(im); event.setCurrentItem(item); } } catch (Exception exception) { // empty catch block } }
I would imagine this is the culprit.
added Critical Verified Issue labels
assigned to @ashijin
added Completed / Resolved label