[Suggestion] nearClaim condition with GriefDefender, add GD claimtypes condition
[Suggestion] nearClaim condition with GriefDefender, add GD claimtypes condition
nearClaim condition only seems to work with GriefPrevention. If there is a possible way for it to also handle GriefDefender it would be great as there are currently no ways to handle this without using worldguard in tandem.
setting a condition for nearClaim should identify if GD or GP is used, and adjust accordingly. Additionally, accepting GD claim-type as a condition could be super useful in setting spawn conditions in town claims, basic claims not being able to fire certain skills, etc etc.
GD is used more and more as GP becomes more deprecated. GD claims are usually decently protected areas as well. Claims are identifiable by category/type as well
3-5; it would trim my randomspawns config alone down by nearly 30%, and streamline preventing MM skills from doing things they shouldn't do.
I believe the GD nearClaim condition should be seamless and be part of the current nearClaim condition.
The GDclaimtype condition would be likely setup as such:
- GDClaimtype{t=town,basic,admin,subdivision} true #can be true|false|orElseCast|etc
#can be one or multiple types? basic should include subdivision by default though.
- skill{s=badassskilliuse} @target ~onkill
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