lists of items in conditions such as wearing and holding
Currently you can put AND conditions using these conditions eg
- wearing{slot=HAND;m=IRON_SWORD} true
'- wearing{slot=OFFHAND;m=SHIELD} true'
My idea is for syntax to allow OR conditions.
Usage This could be used anytime an item is required for a skill, but there are multiple items of each type. For example skills that cast while holding any sword.
Value I dont know what to say here.
Priority Moderate - Low priority, maybe when the next set of new mechanics and stuff are implemented
Implementation Syntax for hasitem, holding, wearing - etc conditions
Possibly something like: ```- wearing{slot=HAND;m=IRON_SWORD,DIAMOND_SWORD,GOLDEN_SWORD} true'`` or
```- wearing{slot=HAND,OFFHAND,CHEST;m=IRON_SWORD} true'``