bug zombie cant break doors or open doors
so i made this zombie and when i spawn them they cant break doors when there is nothing wrong with the zombie it should just work other people also have looked at it and nobody knows why so i spawned 100 of them and only a few can break doors for some reason it is like sometimes it works and sometimes not i also recorded it so you can see what i mean and yes it is the same mob incase you are wondering https://youtu.be/9fz_n6T4tX8
Breacherlvl1: Type: ZOMBIE Display: '&f[&elvl1&f]&fBreacher &4<caster.hp>/<caster.mhp>' Health: 20 Damage: 4 Armor: 0 Options: KnockbackResistance: 1.0 PreventTransformation: true PreventJockeyMounts: true PreventOtherDrops: true PreventRandomEquipment: true PreventItemPickup: True Despawn: false MovementSpeed: 0.17 Equipment:
- AxeWood HAND
- LeatherChestplateVVV CHEST
- LeatherLeggingsVVV LEGS
- LeatherBootsVVV FEET Drops:
- RottenFlesh 5-10 1.0
- exp 8 AIGoalSelectors:
- 0 clear
- 1 breakdoors
- 2 meleeattack
- 3 randomstroll AITargetSelectors:
- 0 clear
- 1 players
- 2 golems Skills:
- setname{name=<caster.name>;delay=2} @Self ~onDamaged
- setname{name=<caster.name>;delay=2} @Self ~onTimer:4