Projectile option- SPREAD
Summary Add SPREAD option to projectiles. The SPREAD option would cause the projectile to pick a random point within X blocks from targeter and travel there. This would allow us to create bullet spread within mythicmobs when using projectile skills, from either mobs or items (crucible)
- projectile{onTick=BulletTick;onEnd=BulletEnd;v=60;i=1;hR=1;vR=1;spread=[NUMBER]} @Forward{f=5;y=0.0}
- projectile{onTick=BulletTick;onEnd=BulletEnd;v=60;i=1;hR=1;vR=1;spread=0.2} @Forward{f=5;y=0.0}
This projectile would target 5 blocks foward from the foward targeter, then the spread option would cause it to pick a random spot within 0.2 blocks of the targeter to become a new targeter.
Currently, there is no nice way to create shotgun style projectile effects, as all projectiles aim directly at the target and will not miss with sufficient speed.