Custom ai with giants not working
Describe the bug encountered in detail.
Steps to reproduce My mob config: ` ZombieIntruder: Type: GIANT Display: '&6ZombieIntruder' Health: 750 Damage: 25 BossBar: Enabled: true Title: '&e&lZombieIntruder &e- <mob.hp>' Range: 20 Color: YELLOW Style: SEGMENTED_6 CreateFog: false DarkenSky: false PlayMusic: false Skills:
- speak{m="I shall ruin you!";cooldown=20} @target ~onCombat >0 0.2
- speak{m="Your horrible, <>!"} @target ~onPlayerKill
0 1 Equipment:
- ZombieIntruderSword HAND Drops:
- ZombieIntruderDrops Options: AlwaysShowName: true MovementSpeed: 0.4 MaxCombatDistance: 15 PreventOtherDrops: true AITargetSelectors:
- 0 clear
- 1 players `
Current behavior
The giant stands still doing nothing.
Intended correct behavior
Supposed to attack players.