Creeper Cooldown Glitch
I was creating a creeper boss, and I wanted the creeper to have prevent suicide. I have skills on this boss as well, I found that my creeper's skills have no cooldowns only when it has PreventSuicide on. I also made an exact copy of my creeper but turned off prevent suicide and the skills work perfectly, so I assume skills have no issue in this.
Steps to reproduce
Create a creeper, give it a skill, and put on Prevent Suicide, the creeper should have no cooldown and will always trigger the skill.
This is my creeper:
This is my creeper's skills
Current behavior
My creeper has no cooldown on the skills and can just continuously activate skills
Intended correct behavior
My creeper should have cooldowns and will only trigger after the cooldown is over whenever a condition is met.
Server log file
Debug log snippet
Proposed fixes
I assume this is probably an issue involving PreventSuicide as it's all I could find that correlates with my issue.