Audience type caster (Suggestion)
There definitely should be a "caster" audience, this would be extremely useful for people making RPG servers in which their weapons are hugely projectile based, this means that we can hide the projectiles coming from other players which is incredibly annoying, causes FPS lag, and makes it almost impossible to play in large groups,
st2t: Skills:
- effect:particles{particle=blockcrack;material=RED_CONCRETE_POWDER;a=2;hs=0.01;vs=0.01;speed=0;i=1} @origin
- effect:particles{particle=reddust;color=#910000;a=2;hs=0.01;vs=0.01;i=1;speed=0} @origin st2h: Skills:
- damage{a=8;pi=true} st2: Conditions:
- haspermission{p=rotmc.weapon.staff} true
- haspermission{p=rotmc.level.2} true
- hasaura nospam false
- hasaura stun false Cooldown: 1 Skills:
- projectile{oT=st2t;oH=st2h;v=30;i=1;hR=1;vR=1;hnp=true;sE=true;mr=16;sfo=-1;hp=false}
- Aura{auraName=nospam;duration=20} @self
- sound{s=entity.blaze.shoot;p=5;v=0.2;audience=target} @self
Here is an example of a skill I have, I have made it so only the caster can hear the sound made from this weapon skill since i linked it with @self but I would like it so at the effect:particles part i could set audience=caster so only the player can see it
WE NEED THIS. Anyone that is seriously making an RPG server knows how important this is.
Same way that the other audience types have been added this should definitely be the next most important audience type to add in I remember Ash saying that he will add more but just for some intel from the players, this is what we want next for audience.