SpecificFaction targeter turns mobs hostile to everything.
When "SpecificFaction negativekarma1" is in the AITargetSelectors for a mob, they will target all living mobs.
Steps to reproduce
Use the following environment:
- ----------===== MythicMobs =====----------
- Server Version: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3
- Plugin Version: 4.11.0
- Plugin Build: a9554921
- Is Premium: Yes
- Is Dev Build: Yes
- Supported Version: Yes
- ------------- www.mythicmobs.net -------------
https://pastebin.com/ahix8As4 Create a new mob using "SpecificFaction" targeting selector such as in this config.
Current behavior
MythicMobs created attack all living mobs in their range of view
Intended correct behavior
MythicMob created should only attack mobs in the specified faction
Server log file
Debug log snippet
Proposed fixes
Add some more debug so I can see what factions the target mob is in or help me run remote debugging with IntelliJ so I can figure it out myself.
Proof that the issue is with SpecificFaction and not OtherFactionMonsters:
https://puu.sh/GSlb8/7ec7106b52.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/782380369340792842/782499519362498580/unknown.png
Compare to:
https://puu.sh/GSlef/05188b4e16.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/782380369340792842/782500450918334484/unknown.png