sudoparent dont work on a player.
MM Version: 5.8.0
Server: Paper version 1.21.1-57-master@b483da4
When a player summons a minion and is a parent of that minion, when a mob executes a skill with a Sudo Attributes in the target "sudoparent=ture" the origin of the dmg is still the mob, not a player.
Steps to reproduce
The player summons a mob and the player is the parent of the mob
Mob cast a skill with a target "sudoparent=ture" " - damage{a=4} @target{sudoparent=tue}"
The damage is caused by the summon not the player (checked by making the summon attack a mob with a skill " - holo{text="&f<skill.var.damage-amount{r=0}> Damage by &n<>";time=60} @selflocation{y=2.6} ~onDamaged")
Current behavior
The damage is caused by the summon not the player
Intended correct behavior
The origin of the dmg would be the owner of the summon.