Missile mechanic does not function with Velocity inherited from Projectile
The Missile mechanic does not scale based on velocity added with the v or velocity syntax e.g: - missile{ot=frostbeamt;oh=frostbeamh;v=50;i=1;hR=1;vR=1;in=0.75;Interactable=true;ImmuneDelay=1;bulletType=SMALLBLOCK;material=blue_ice;speed=10}
Steps to reproduce
When using the Missile mechanic, the missile speed does not change when the v attribute inherited from projectile is modified in any noticeable way, I believe this is a bug. Any use of the missile mechanic in a mob, skill or other applications produce the same result.
Current behavior
The missile is always at a consistent and slow speed, unable to be modified, even though other attributes work perfectly fine
Intended correct behavior
When the velocity attribute is modified, the missile should speed up. If there is another attribute that changes missile speeds, the wiki does not list it.
Server log file Log file not necessary, not errors or other plugins were installed during testing, there also has been difficulty with pastebin blocking the paste of the large log file. Others with vanilla clients like mine have had the same issue.
Proposed fixes
Describe what you think the issue or any potential fixes may be.
The issue may be that the velocity tag is not being correctly inherited by missile from projectile