Fancy Drops does not register Bow Damage
Setup any fancydrop situation where it requires player damage and only shoot the mob with a bow, it will not register fancy drops. But if you do even just a single melee attack, it will work.
Steps to reproduce
- Setup fancy Drops (example here)
- spawn mob and only damage with arrows
- hologram and other fancy drops will not summon
- respawn mob and do melee damage
- fancy drops and hologram will work as intended.
Current behavior
Will only proc fancy drops when mob is damaged by melee
Intended correct behavior
All player damage should be calculated
Server log file
been happening since at least 5.6.2, but is prevalent in all 5.7 builds
Debug log snippet
*Provide a link to a Pastebin paste with an excerpt of your latest.log file that includes debug output where you trigger the bugged behavior.
Not needed
Proposed fixes
im not a coder, so idk how easy or simple it is