Threat Table Placeholders are broken
Threat table placeholders are broken.
in the mob file tested with
- message{m="<> <trigger.threat>"} @trigger ~onDamaged
, returns both the player name and the threat value properly.
- message{m="<> <trigger.threat>"} @trigger ~onInteract
, returns name properly and 0 instead of the real threat value.
and separately tested with
- message{m="<> <target.threat>"} @target ~onDamaged
returns player name properly and returns the string "<target.threat>" instead of a number.
- message{m="<> <target.threat>"} @target ~onInteract
returns player name properly and returns the string "<target.threat>" instead of a number.
in skill files tested with
- SudoSkill{s=adversary_threattest_player;setcasterastrigger=true} @target
- SudoSkill{s=adversary_threattest_boss2;setcasterastrigger=true} @trigger
- message{m="<> <trigger.threat>"} @trigger
to set the player as the trigger this way. Player name returns properly and 0 instead of the real threat value.
Same result with the signal & ~onSignal implementation. and return proper names, but trigger.threat just returns 0 unless used with ~onDamaged. It does not work with ~onInteract, ~onSignal, sudoskill setcasterastrigger option, and possibly others. target.threat returns the string "<target.threat>" instead of a number.
The mythic jar I am using is quite recent, and the server owner has premium.
I want to save the target's threat value to a variable every time the mob casts a skill, but I can't use ~onDamaged for this purpose. Working around this issue has proven itself to be extremely troublesome.