CustomAI panicWhenOnFire bug
The Custom AI panicWhenOnFire only works at full block water but waterlogged block ex: stone_stairs with water
Steps to reproduce
- Set AIGoalSelectors of mob to
- panicWhenOnFire
- /mm reload
- summon the mob
- put a waterlogged stairs beside the mob
- ignite the mob
- the mob won't walk into the waterlogged block
Current behavior
I used some incomplete blocks to decorate the monster's lair, including stone stairs and stone slabs along the edges of the water pool for decorate details. However, this caused the panicWhenOnFire function to malfunction or not operate correctly.
Intended correct behavior
I believe even partially waterlogged incomplete blocks should be considered as water. When the monster catches on fire, it will run towards these blocks in order to extinguish itself.
Server log file
Debug log snippet
Provide a link to a Pastebin paste with an excerpt of your latest.log file that includes debug output where you trigger the bugged behavior.
Proposed fixes
Allow monsters to detect not only water sources and water flows but also slabs containing water, with the condition that slabs can only detect the bottom part with waterlogged. I understand that detecting stairs would introduce too much complexity, but if the bottom part of slabs could be detected, it would significantly improve the situation.