Incorrect Damage Output
The latest dev version is outputing incorrect damage output. When the player is wearing a full non-enchanted netherite armor, the damage output if any weapon will only be half heart.
Steps to reproduce
- Download and install latest dev version of MythicMobs.
- Ask your friend to wear a full netherite armor (No enchantment).
- Damage will only be half heart no matter what you do even if you drink strength II potion.
Current behavior
The latest dev version of MythicMob is causing my server to output incorrect damage output.
Intended correct behavior
Damage should be 1 and half heart not half heart.
Server log file
Debug log snippet
Proposed fixes
I'm no coder/developer but I think you should check the damage modifier.
Notes: I tried downgrading to the latest premium version and the issue is fixed. However, since Crucible will only work if you use the latest dev build so I need to use the dev version of MythicMobs.
Update 9/8/2023: Tried this with latest paper build and the issue still persists.
Update 9/10/2023: Uploaded a video proof so you know what's going on