projectilevelocity working incorrectly
According to my observations projectilevelocity is working incorrectly. Below are tested in an onStart skill. Some are tested with a delay.
- Adding ANY amount of speed using - projectilevelocity{mode=ADD;vx=;vy=;vz=} completely overrides the velocity the projectile launches with at the start.
- Adding 0 speed to all axes result in a forward speed change.
- Adding any amount of speed NOT in the forward/backward axis still produces a forward speed change as a side effect.
- Forward/backward axis is vz instead of vx. vx becomes the left/right axis. This should not be the case according to the wiki.
- Setting the speed to 0 using - projectilevelocity{mode=SET;vx=0;vy=0;vz=0} causes projectiles to disappear.
Velocity with relative enabled also has some problems.
- Changing the velocity of an entity with - velocity{m=set;relative=true;x=;y=;z=} is not relative. For example, using - velocity{m=set;relative=true;x=0;y=0;z=5}results in a velocity change with force depending on the angle between your facing direction and the Z axis. For example while facing +X you almost don't get pushed at all, but you get the full velocity while facing -Z or +Z.