Kill message BUG Mythicmobs 5.2.5
Kill/death message wrong show tags.
Current behavior
When a MythicMob kill a player or a skill created with MythicMob kill a player appear %1$s was slain by %2$s.
Intended correct behavior
In all older version of MythicMobs appear Name of mob that kill the player or name of item that kill the player.
Server log file
Appear this message when MythicMob is enable, i don't know if this can cause some problem. Plugin 'MythicMobs' is creating timing 'scheduler: io.lumine.mythic.core.skills.auras.AuraManager$$Lambda$8024/0x0000000802448c50' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Lumine
Debug log snippet
[14:12:30 INFO]: AHellison was slain by (in console appear this) and in game this %1$s was slain by %2$s
Proposed fixes
When item with mythicmob skill or mob kill player must show correctly name of item or name of mob.