[MM5.2.0~5.2.1] Incompatible server Spigot ,High frequency error log when using Spigot
Describe the bug encountered in detail.
When I updated MythicMobsPremium to the latest version (5.2.1 Build 4340), started the server, the plugin loaded normally, joined the server, and the plugin started sending error messages on the console crazily. (5.2.0 MythicMobsPremium Same error content,This problem does not exist in previous versions. It should be a new problem caused by rewriting the random monster generation mechanism)
Server version and type:Spigot-1.16.5
Steps to reproduce
Provide a full set of steps used to reproduce the bug, including links to SEPARATE Pastebin pastes for each relevant configuration file.
1、Installing plugin
2、Start spigot Server
3、The plugin is loaded normally, but an error message is output: [11:05:46] [Server thread/ERROR]: [MythicMobs] Plugin MythicMobs v5.2.1-SNAPSHOT-c42b7d37 has failed to register events for class io.lumine.mythic.bukkit.adapters BukkitSkillTriggers because com/destroystokyo/paper/event/entity/CreeperIgniteEvent does not exist.
4、Players join the server
5、Start high-frequency output error message
Current behavior
Describe what happens currently, while the bug is affecting your server.
Output error information. It is estimated that the random generation mechanism of MM will also be affected
Intended correct behavior
Describe what you think should happen instead of the bug.
As in previous versions (5.1.4~4.x), the console does not output any error messages and is used normally
Server log file
Provide a link to a Pastebin paste with a copy of your server's latest.log file from startup to "Done!" AND includes a player connecting. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nc7fPwxt7K/
Debug log snippet
Provide a link to a Pastebin paste with an excerpt of your latest.log file that includes debug output where you trigger the bugged behavior.
Proposed fixes
Describe what you think the issue or any potential fixes may be. Compatible Spigot,The console no longer outputs error messages and can be used normally as before