Core Commands
These commands are the main commands admins and players will employ.
- `/md` (or `/dungeon`)
This is the main command for most Mythic Dungeons subcommands.
- `/recruit`
Used to start a party recruitment listing.
- `/leave`
Alias for `/md leave`. Lets a player immediately leave the dungeon they are in. If the dungeon is in edit mode and there are no players still editing it, it will save and unload the dungeon.
- `/ready`
When queued for a dungeon, confirms you are ready to enter the dungeon. When all party members are ready, they will be sent to the dungeon. (Note: When queued, a clickable message with the same function is provided.)
- `/notready`
When queued for a dungeon, if one player in the party says they're not ready, it will cancel the dungeon queue. (Note: When queued, a clickable message with the same function is provided.)
Player Commands
These are basic commands used to access and play dungeons.
- `/md play [dungeon]`
The main command for entering/playing a dungeon. If the player is solo, they will enter immediately. If they are part of a party, they will enter a queue and all players must agree to enter the dungeon.
- `/md stuck`
Immediately sends the player to their last checkpoint or respawn point in the dungeon.
- `/md leave`
Lets a player immediately leave the dungeon they are in. If the dungeon is in edit mode and there are no players still editing it, it will save and unload the dungeon.
Admin and Dev Commands
These are commands used to monitor, create, and edit dungeons.
- `/md join [player]`
Allows an admin to enter the target player's current dungeon.
- `/md create [dungeon name]`
Creates a brand new dungeon with the specified name. Created dungeons are always a flat world.
- `/md import [world]`
Imports an existing Minecraft world from the server as a dungeon. Useful if you made the world offline or with an editor like worldpainter.
- `/md dxlimport [map]` *EXPERIMENTAL*
Imports a map from DungeonsXL. This checks for the map in the `plugins/DungeonsXL/maps` folder. Monitor your console for any messages reporting signs or functionality that can't be converted into Mythic Dungeons.
- `/md edit [dungeon]`
Either creates or joins an edit session for the specified dungeon. Edit sessions allow building the map itself and configuring dungeon elements.
- `/md status` OR `/md status [dungeon]`
Displays information about all or the specified dungeon, including current players and instances.
- `/md reload`
Reloads the plugin config file. To reload dungeons, see below.
- `/md reload [dungeon]` OR `/md reload all`
Reloads the config and functions of all or the specified dungeon.
Loot Table Commands
These commands are used to create and modify loot tables.
- `/md loot create [name]`
Creates a new loot table with the provided name.
- `/md loot edit [name]`
Opens the edit menu for a loot table matching the provided name.
- `/md loot remove [name]`
Deletes the specified loot table.
Edit Mode Commands
These are commands only available while editing a dungeon.
- `/md setlobby`
Sets the lobby spawn location of the dungeon you're editing. (Also preserves where you're looking.)
- `/md banitem`
Adds the item in your hand to the banned items list, preventing players from entering the dungeon if they have it in their inventory.
- `/md unbanitem`
Removes the item in your hand from the banned items list. (If you're having trouble removing an item, you can also remove it manually in the dungeon's `config.yml`)
- `/md dungeonitem`
Makes your currently held item into a dungeon item, preventing it from being taken out of the dungeon. (It will be deleted when the player leaves with it in their inventory.)
- `/md functiontool`
Gives you the function builder tool, just in case you lost it!
- `/md save`
Force-saves the dungeon immediately. Note: There is a configurable autosave option set to 5 minutes by default, and the dungeon will save when all editors leave, but just in case, you can still do it manually!
- `/md cleansigns`
Removes all signs located at all the function locations. Useful after importing a DXL dungeon or to quickly clean out temporary blocks.
Party Commands
These commands are used by the default party system provided by Mythic Dungeons.
- `/party invite [player]`
Invites the target player to join your party, creating a new party if you don't have one yet.
- `/party join [player]`
Attempts to join the specified player's party. Only works if you have an invite.
- `/party leave`
Immediately leaves the current party you're in.
- `/party givelead [player]`
Makes the specified player the leader of the party.
- `/party kick [player]`
If you are the party lead, kicks the specified player from the party. Yes, you *can* kick yourself from your own party.
- `/party disband`
Immediately kicks all players from the party, including yourself.
- `/party chat` OR `/p`
Lets you switch to party chat, making all your messages go to a private chat with your party members.
- `/party chat [message]` OR `/p [message]`
Sends a message to the private party chat without switching to it.
More Permissions
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