The edition menu (_/mi edit_) lets you know what stats you can add to an item and how to configure it. While most are self explanatory, here are some specifications about some of them. This list thus does not contain every item stat or option you can find in MMOItems... However make sure you read the rest of the wiki, which may contains the information you are looking for! Item examples will help you configuring them manually if you feel like you don't need the edition menu. Lastly, things may change a bit depending on your server version (1.13 - Legacy)
**Tip:** use CTRL+F to find the desired item stat.
## Material, Durability
Your item material and its durability/data.
**Example:** INK_SACK with 1 durability corresponds to Rose Red (for 1.8 - 1.12). Use ROSE_RED for 1.13.
All materials can be found in the [Spigot Javadocs](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html). Be careful, these material names correspond to the latest Spigot version, it is therefore not 100% compatible with <1.14, and especially Legacy.
## Display Name
The name of your item. For color codes, use '&".
You can also use placeholders for your item names. Get the placeholder you want (or create one) in the name-placeholders.yml file, and use <placeholder>. The placeholder will display a random word in the list you set up in the config file.
name: '<lms> Steel Sword'
## Dye Color
This parameter is only for leather armor pieces.
In RGB (red-green-blue)
dye-color: 100 100 100
## Item Permissions
A list of permissions any player must have in order to use this item.
You may use the corresponding bypass permission to bypass that item restriction.
## Attack Damage, Attack Speed
The amount of damage your weapon deals, and at which speed (in hits/sec).
These stats are based on the vanilla attribute modifiers.
## Critical strike Chance & Power
The chance of your item, in %, of dealing a critical strike.
Critical strikes deals 250% of the initial damage (configurable amount in the config file).
Critical Strike Power corresponds to the percentage of the initial damage a critical strike deals.
## Range
The range of your whip/staff. The default value is 18.
Units here are not exactly blocks, multiply this value by approx. 2.5 to get the value in blocks.
## Blunt Power & Rating
Blunt Power corresponds to the radius of a blunt attack. The bigger the more enemies you can hit at the same time.
Blunt Rating corresponds to the damage dealt by the blunt attack. In % of the initial damage.
Example: Blunt Power = 3 | Blunt Rating = 70% | When hitting an entity, enemies within 3 units of distance will take 70% of the initial damage.
material: IRON_HAMMER
blunt-power: 3
blunt-rating: 70
## Unbreakable
When set to true, weapons never break. This option is needed if you planned to give your item a custom texture using the _texture by durability_ mecanism.
## Armor, Armor Toughness
The amount of armor and armor toughness your piece of armor gives to the player. These stats correspond to vanilla minecraft player attributes.
Armor and armor thoughness reduce damage taken. You may visit the official MC wiki to know how damage is calculated depending on armor & armor thoughness, but briefly: armor reduces damage, and armor thoughness reduces armor reduction.
These stats are not supported in 1.8 since the corresponding Minecraft attributes were added back in 1.9.
## Movement Speed
The amount of movement speed your item gives to the holder/wearer.
The default minecraft movement speed is 0.2. If you set the item additional movement speed to 0.02, that will be +10% Movement Speed.
## Two Handed
If a player holds two items at the same time, one being Two Handed, he's significantly slowed down.
When toggling on a specific option in the config, you can also make it so players can't use any item when applied this restriction.
## Restore (Consumables)
The amount of health, food and saturation a consumable item restores!
material: POTION
health: 3
food: 8
saturation: 16
## Potion Effects (Consumables)
The potion effects a consumable item grants when consumed. Format: [POTION_EFFECT]: [DURATION],[AMPLIFIER]
All potion effect names can be found in the [Spigot javadocs](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html). Duration is input in seconds.
material: BREAD
increased_damage: 1 10
## Permanent Effects
The potion effects your item grant to the holder. Format: [POTION_EFFECT]: [AMPLIFIER]
material: IRON_SWORD
increased_damage: 1
## Consume Cooldown (Consumables)
The delay players must wait before drinking a consumable item twice.
## Crafting Recipe
The craft recipe of your item (in a workbench). All material names can be found in the [Spigot javadocs](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html).
To add durability/ID to the different elements of your crafting recipe, put a ':' between the material name and the durability. Example: INK_SACK:2, which corresponds to... Cactus Green.
material: POTION
craft-enabled: true
craft-enabled: true
## Advanced Crafting Recipe
The crafting recipe players can use in the advanced workbench to craft your item. This special workbench can be accessed by sneaking and right clicking a workbench. It allows the use of complex crafting recipes that use items with custom names, but it also support item amounts & MMOItems as ingredients.
Editing an item advanced recipe is pretty easy, simply click the corresponding option in the edition menu: another GUI will pop up which will show your current item recipe. Drag & drop the items you want on the corresponding slots and don't forget to use /mi reload adv-recipes to make recipe changes apply.
material: IRON_SWORD
advanced-craft-enabled: true
material: IRON_INGOT
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
material: AIR
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
material: AIR
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
material: AIR
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
material: IRON_INGOT
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
material: AIR
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
material: AIR
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
material: AIR
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
material: STICK
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: ''"
## Tool Options
**Autosmelt:** When toggled on, your tool automaticaly smelt mined iron and gold ores.
**Bouncing Crack:** When toggled on, your tool mines extra blocks behind the initial one.
## Item Commands
The list of commands your item performs when right clicking it. Commands may have a cooldown and a delay, after which it is automatically cast. You can use this option to create e.g consumables which teleport you back home using the /spawn command. **Warning**: the command cooldown differs from the consumable cooldown, therefore you need to make sure they are the same, otherwise the consumable may be consumed without casting the commands. You can use the %player% placeholder to get the command sender name.
material: PAPER
name: '&rScroll of Cowardness'
command: spawn
cooldown: 10
delay: 1
## Arrow Particles
This option can be used to display particles around arrows fired by your bow. Particles can be fully configured (type, speed, color).
material: BOW
particle: SMOKE_NORMAL
amount: 3
speed: 0.05
## Required Level
The level your weapon/item requires in order to be used. This restriction completely supports RPG core plugin levels.
## Skull Texture (for player heads only)
The skull texture used for a custom head.
Make sure your item has 3 as durability, otherwise this is not a player skull. For 1.13, you no longer need to give your item a durability, use the PLAYER_HEAD item material.
**How to configurate your item skull texture:**
1. Find the head you want on Minecraft Heads or any similar head database.
2. Find the skull texture value, which should look something like this: `eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTdlMmY0OTQyNDNhY2FkM2Y0ODQ0YmM1YWUyZDVmZDUzZTY5MjczMzA0YzlkYmY1YmQxMzA5NDlmYTEzMjk4ZiJ9fX0=`
3. Set this text as your item skull-texture parameter, either by manually using config files or by going in the Editor GUI and changing the Skull Texture tag.
## Staff Spirit
The staff spirit option changes the staff/wand left click basic attack.\
You may find the list of staff spirits using /mi list staff.
## Gem Sockets
Having gem sockets on your item allows you to place gem stones onto it. Gem stones improve your item stats. Each bound gem stone occupies one gem socket. More info on [this wiki page](https://github.com/Indyuce/mmoitems/wiki/Gem-Stones).
## Disable Interactions
When enabled, this option will disable any event that could happen when right-clicking/placing your item. It blocks block placement and item use (snowballs, cocoa seeds, saplings.........).
##Inedible & Disable Right Click Consume
Inedible completely disables the right-click item event.\
Disable Right Click Consume only prevents your item from being consumed when right clicked. You can still eat it but it won't be consumed.
## Item Particles
Displays some particles when holding/wearing your item. An item particle effect is defined by 3 things: the particle pattern and its pattern modifiers, and the actual particle being used in the effect.\
The **particle pattern** defines how the particle will behave, what shape it forms, etc. For instance, choosing the Helix particle pattern will make the particle form a circle going up & down around you.\
The **particle** is the actual particle that is being used in the particle effect. Choosing redstone with Helix will form a helix of redstone particles around you.\
You can then slightly tweak the particle effects by changing the **particle modifiers** which can, for instance, change the base y-offset for the helix, its radius, its height, its display speed...\
Some particles are **colorable** e.g the redstone particle. This means you can edit their color to make particle effects even more unique. Colors can be setup by inputing three color levels: red, green and blue (RGB).
material: BLAZE_ROD
particle: FLAME
radius: 1.3
rotation-speed: 0.4
// this displays two flame rings that circle slowly around the player, with a radius of 1.3
## Musket Stats
There are two main item stats you can use to customize muskets. Muskets are special range weapons that fire bullets when right-clicked. The knockback item stat defines the knockback applied onto the player whenever he fires a musket. It thus must be a positive value. The recoil defines the shooting accuracy e.g when set to 5, shots will be performed randomly 5° around your cursor.
## Lute Stats
Lutes are ranged weapons which emit a music projectile when right clicked. Lutes have different attack effects (the list of all available effects is prompted when editing any lute attack effect using the edition GUI) which define the look of the projectile. You can also change the sound played when attacking. Note Weight when set to any value strictly greater than 0 will make the projectile slightly tilt its trajectory downwards with time as if it was pulled down by gravity. |
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