citizens npc with model engine trait loses model after server restarts
Citizens 2.0.30 #24 (latest)
ProtocoLib latest dev
meg 3.1.4
paper 1.19.3 latest
how to reproduce
1. make npc
2. /trait add meg_model
3. /meg npc model npc_id add meg_id
4. check model is properly applied to npc
5. /npc2 save ( save it to file )
6. restart server
7. model is not applied in npc
how to fix temporarily
1. /npc select
2. /npc2 type current_npc_type , slime for me
3. check model is reapplied agin
few notes
data is properly written into citizens caves.yml
just doesn't reapply after server restarts
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information