Mount an entity to a model's driver seat, or a specific mount bone.
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Type | Default |
driver | d, drive | Is mounting a driver | Boolean | true |
force | f | Is trying to forcibly mount an entity. If true and driver=true, it will dismount the old driver. If true and driver=false, it will mount the target on the least occupied mount bone. Otherwise, it will not mount the target if the seat is already occupied. |
Boolean | false |
autodismount | ad | Should the target dismount from the old mount if they are mounted already | Boolean | false |
damagemount | dmg | Can the target damage the mount | Boolean | false |
interactmount | int | Can the target interact with the mount (right click) | Boolean | true |
mode | m | The controller mode specific to the target. Also works when driver=false for Meta Controllers | Mount Controller Id / Meta Controller | walking |
modelid | mid, model | Targeted model. If driver = true, it is used to mount on the driver seat of a model that does not represent main mount controller. Otherwise, used to mount on passenger seats. |
String |
When driver = false
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Type | Default |
seat | p, pbone | Targeted mount bones (e.g. bone1,bone2,bone3). | String List |
Basic Usage
This example will mount you on the model when you right click the mob. Your mob must have a bone called mount
for this to work. drive=true
is required.
- model{m=elk;usm=true;drive=true;ride=true;n=nametag} @self ~onSpawn
- mountmodel{mid=elk;m=walking} @trigger ~onInteract
Using Meta Controller:
This will mount the trigger to the model with a Meta Controller, which mimics the behavior of the default walking controller.
- model{m=elk;usm=true;drive=true;ride=true;n=nametag} @self ~onSpawn
- mountmodel{mode=[
- move{front=<skill.var.meg:front>;side=<skill.var.meg:side>}
- meg:jump ?variableEquals{var=skill.meg:jump;value=1} ?variableEquals{var=skill.meg:on_ground;value=1}
- dismountmodel @trigger ?variableEquals{var=skill.meg:sneak;value=1}
- actionmessage{m=<skill.var.meg:front> <skill.var.meg:side> <skill.var.meg:jump> <skill.var.meg:sneak>} @trigger
]} @trigger ~onInteract