General configuration options help you customize the plugin's experience or provide general overall features.
MCCosmetics supports several ways of storing your player data, defined by `Storage.Driver` in your `config.yml` file.
**Note that this only includes what cosmetics players are using - cosmetics players have unlocked are stored using permissions.**
#### Supported Storage Drivers
| Driver | Description |
| ------ | ------ |
| JSON | Default, stores data in .json files in the MCCosmetics folder |
| MYSQL | Stores all player data in a MySQL Database |
##### Database Configuration (MySQL)
Driver: JSON
Driver: MYSQL
Address: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: [database name]
Username: [database username]
Password: [database password]
Spray Options
The Sprays section lets you define the stay time (in seconds) and the sound spraying makes. Setting `PersistTime` to `0` will make sprays stay until either a new one is placed or the chunk is unloaded.
Sound: 'entity.cat.hiss'
Volume: 1.0
Pitch: 2.0
PersistTime: 60
Command-Header: "<yellow><strikethrough>------------<gold>=====</strikethrough> <bold><gradient:#eeeeee:#ffffff>MCCosmetics</gradient></bold> <strikethrough><gold>=====<yellow>------------</strikethrough>"
Command-Footer: "<yellow><strikethrough>--------------------------------------</strikethrough>"
Command-Prefix: "<bold><white>[<#dc0c1f>MCCosmetics<white>]</bold> "
With the MySQL update, the Driver will be changeable. At this time please leave it as JSON.
The Sprays section lets you define the stay time (in seconds) and the sound spraying makes.
### Menu Configuration
All menus come preconfigured to show you how it's done. Basically each cosmetic type has a selection_cosmetictype menu that uses the schema system coming to many mythic plugins.
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