... | ... | @@ -93,10 +93,31 @@ To display the name of the model, or add an HP bar on top, you would need a name |
Each model can have as many name tag bones as you need. They don't need to be centered, and they can have animations.
To create a name tag bone, add `tag_` in front of the bone name.
## Hand Item
## Item Bone(s)
Sometimes you would like items to be synced in your model.
You can do so by creating a bone and add either `ir_` or `il_` to the front, which represents the right item and the left item respectively.
> Note: The displayed item **IS NOT** displayed using the right and left hand, but rather the head slot. It might sound counter-intuitive, but this preserves animation accuracy.
You can do so by creating special, cube-less bones with a specific tag written before the actual bone name. Depending of the the tag used, the item that will be displayed will be treated as if it was equipped in the corresponding slot.
**The tags for an item bone are:**
- **`ih_` for head display**
- **`ir_` for main hand display**
- **`il_` for offhand display**
You can create as many item bones as you want. You can then equip items there via the [SetItemModel](/Mechanics:-Model#setitemmodel) mechanic. The partid of the bone will be its name minus the tag used, like always.
## Leash Bone(s)
By making a cube-less bone and using a special tag before the bone name, you can mark a bone as the attachment point when being leashed.
**The tag for a leash bone is `l_`**
You can create as many bones as you want. You can leash the model using the [Leash](/Mechanics:-Model#leash) or [LeashSelf](/Mechanics:-Model#leashself) mechanics. The partid of the bone will be its name minus the tag used, like always.
##Rendered Ghost Bone
Mark a ghost bone as rendered in-game.
Normal ghost bones (bones without cubes inside) are only used internally and do not spawn armor stands. Marking them as rendered would cause them to spawn an armor stand, but will not display any models.
**The tag for a rendered ghost bone is `g_`**
You can set the model of a rendered ghost bone using the [ChangePart](/Mechanics:-Model#changepart) mechanic
## Segments
> Caution: This feature is still experimental. No animations would be played to segmented bones.
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