Set a player limb bone of a model to the targeted player's skin.
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Type | Default |
modelid | m, mid, model | Targeted model. If null, targets all models. | String | |
limbs | p, pbone | Targeted player limb bones (e.g. bone1,bone2,bone3). If null, targets all player limb bones. | String | |
uuid | Use the texture of the player with this UUID. UUID works with or without dashes ( - )Player does not need to be online. Texture data is only downloaded once. |
String | ||
username | user, name | Use the texture of a player. Player does not need to be online. Texture data is only downloaded once. |
String | |
skin | s | Base64 texture data. If the data does not contain model information, default to CLASSIC model. | String | |
slim | Force the player model. If not set, it will default to the model the texture is using. | Boolean |
Set skin of all player limb bones:
This will set the skin of all player limb bones with the skin of the player interacting with the entity.
- model{m=skin} @self ~onSpawn
- modelplayerskin @trigger ~onInteract
Set skin of multiple player limb bone:
This will set the skin of the left and right arm with the skin of the player interacting with the entity.
- model{m=skin} @self ~onSpawn
- modelplayerskin{mid=skin;p=left_arm,right_arm} @trigger ~onInteract
Using skin from UUID:
- model{m=skin} @self ~onSpawn
- modelplayerskin{uuid=853c80ef3c3749fdaa49938b674adae6} @self ~onSpawn
# The following format works too
- modelplayerskin{uuid=853c80ef-3c37-49fd-aa49-938b674adae6} @self ~onSpawn
Using skin from username:
- model{m=skin} @self ~onSpawn
- modelplayerskin{username=Ticxo} @self ~onSpawn
Using skin from Base64 texture data:
- model{m=skin} @self ~onSpawn
- modelplayerskin{skin=e3RleHR1cmVzOntTS0lOOnt1cmw6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjNhOTY0Y2I3ZTM2Yzc2NzM4ODY1ZjhjYzdmZGRmZTQ5MDYwOWUxZDdkZTQ5NTlkN2I1NzZlYmQxYjZmZjBhIn19fQ==} @self ~onSpawn
- ModelSkin