Configure the culling of a modeled entity, which allows you to further optimize or increase the importance of a modeled entity.
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Type | Default |
cullinterval | ci | Tick interval to check if the entity can be culled | Integer | Config Default |
verticalcull | vc | Should the entity be vertically culled | Boolean | Config Default |
verticalculldistance | vcd | Absolute Y distance between the entity and players | Double | Config Default |
verticalculltype | vct | Vertical culling type | CullType | Config Default |
backcull | bkc | Should the entity be culled when behind the player | Boolean | Config Default |
backcullangle | bkca | Player view angle in degrees (larger angle = cull less) | Double | Config Default |
backcullignoreradius | bkcr | Max distance to ignore the back-cull method | Double | Config Default |
backculltype | bkct | Back-cull culling type | CullType | Config Default |
blockedcull | blc | Should the entity be culled when blocked by blocks | Boolean | Config Default |
blockedcullignoreradius | blcr | Max distance to ignore the blocked-cull method | Double | Config Default |
blockedculltype | blct | Blocked-cull culling type | CullType | Config Default |
Disabling all cull methods:
This will disable all culling method Model Engine uses, effectively making your entity always render and animated as long as it is within render distance. Usually, this should only be used on high-importance entity such as bosses.
- cullconfig{vc=false;bkc=false;blc=false} @self ~onLoad
Note: Since this nullifies all attempts of reducing the network load on players, it is advised to only use this when absolutely necessary.
- cull